6 Most Empathic Zodiac Signs: Are You One of Them?



We all know what empathy is; it’s seeing things through the eyes of someone else, not just understanding their emotions, but feeling them too! And the 6 most empathic zodiac signs are natural at this!

These are the most compassionate zodiac signs owing to their innate zodiac traits. But before delving into what zodiac signs are empaths, let’s understand what is empathy first.

What Is Empathy?

most empathic zodiac signs

Empathy is being able to feel others’ emotions as our own. Empathic people have a very high level of compassion for others.

They feel others’ pain, sorrow, anger, and happiness, and this energy of others’ has a strong influence on their mood, well-being, and mental and emotional health.

While empathy can be taught or learned, some people are born empaths! From a very early age, they master the art of reading energy, rather unknowingly.

While specific life situations like trauma, childhood experiences, family situations, upbringing, etc. can be factors contributing to the development of empathy in individuals, some individuals have an innate capability to understand others, owing to their zodiac signs.

They’re born with it!!

So, what zodiac signs are empaths??

Read 3 Zodiac Signs That Are Cold-Hearted: They Won’t Warm Up to You Easily!

6 Most Empathic Zodiac Signs

Here are the most compassionate zodiac signs who are born empaths:

1. Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Pisces, the final sign of the zodiac, swims in the deep waters of the emotional realm. Ruled by Neptune, the planet of dreams, illusions, and psychic receptivity, Pisceans possess an unparalleled depth of empathy.

They are the artists, mystics, and dreamers, often feeling the emotions of others as if they were their own. This can be both a beautiful and burdensome gift.

Pisces’ empathic nature allows them to connect with others on a profoundly intimate level, but it can also leave them vulnerable to the risk of getting emotionally overwhelmed.

2. Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Cancerians are the zodiac’s nurturers. They are guided by the Moon, the celestial body that rules over emotional and intuitive energy. They’re people who have a deep-rooted love for home and family.

Their love for people around them makes them so empathetic. Cancers can detect and pick up on emotional energy in situations without anyone saying a word, which is why they make such compassionate friends and partners.

Their dedication to their loved ones is endless, but they need to be careful not to soak up other people’s negative emotions and let that affect their stability.

most empathic zodiac signs

3. Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Scorpio, a water sign like Pisces and Cancer, dives deep into the emotional and psychic realms.

Ruled by Pluto, the planet of transformation and regeneration, Scorpios have a unique blend of strong emotional insight and intensity.

Their empathy is not the gentle kind like that of the Pisces or the nurturing care of Cancer. Instead, Scorpio’s empathy is probing and often invading.

They seek to understand others and fish out their deepest truths. They can use this power to heal others or offer them emotional support.

But more often than not Scorpio empaths, being vindictive, cautious, and wanting to protect themselves from getting hurt, become Dark Empaths, using their empathic capabilities to unmask others’ vulnerabilities or manipulate their sentiments.

Read Dark Empath: 12 Signs Of The Most Dangerous Personality

4. Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Libra, is driven by the Venusian energy of love and beauty. They’re on the lookout for harmony and balance in every aspect of their life.

Due to their emotional intelligence, they are always intuitively aware of the dynamics at play in their intimate relationships and surroundings.

They possess a unique kind of empathy that strives for peace, diplomacy, and a middle ground. Libras are able to understand everyone’s side of the story.

They’re the mediators of the zodiac sign, always bridging divides and fostering harmony among conflicting people.

Read Signs Ranked by Emotional Resilience: Which Zodiac Sign Is The Strongest Emotionally?

5. Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Geminis, ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication, are known for their intellectual curiosity, adaptability, and versatility.

Their form of empathy is rooted in communication and understanding. Being inquisitive, Geminis are genuinely interested in knowing about people and what makes them tick. So, they use this curiosity to connect with others.

They are adept at seeing situations from various angles, which allows them to empathize with a wide range of experiences and emotions.

Read 3 Zodiac Signs That Love To Travel, Or Live To Travel

6. Leo (July 23 – August 22)

The bold and radiant Leo is known for their confidence, creativity, leadership, and penchant for drama and limelight.

On the surface, they might not come across as one of the most empathic zodiac signs. In fact, they kind of get a bad rap for being conceited and superficial.

But, not many realize that Leos have a big, soft, and loving heart and a very sensitive nature.

They are devoted to the people they care about and are always aware of their well-being. Moreover, Leos have battled insecurity and won over self-doubt to be self-assured, so they can pick on others’ loneliness, hurt, or emotional difficulties. 

Sun is the center of our solar system, so it’s no surprise that besides being the center of attention, they are warm and nurturing. Their presence is so lovely that you will feel like the sun is shining down on you when they are around.

most empathic zodiac signs

So, those are the six most empathic zodiac signs. Are you one of them or do you have any experience with any of them? Let us know in the comments!

most empathic zodiac signs

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