10 Spiritual Symbols You Must Know


There are certain symbols that have the capability of leaving a permanent and strong impression on your mind, even if you just look at them. If you look a bit deeper and focus on the intricacies of these spiritual symbols, you will notice that you feel fascinated, connected and more alive. And that feels amazing, doesnโ€™t it? But, have you ever stopped for a moment and thought about what these spiritual symbols actually mean and what their powers are?

spiritual symbols

Here Are 10 Spiritual Symbols And The Deep Meanings Associated With Them

1) The Hamsa

10 Spiritual Symbols You MUST Know

The word โ€˜Hamsaโ€™ is an Arabic word that denotes the number โ€˜fiveโ€™ and represents the five digits of the hand. It is an universal symbol of protection and is normally associated with the symbol of โ€˜Evil Eyeโ€™ to protect someone from negative energies, people, and harmful spirits.

As per the history of this spiritual symbol, if someone is planning to harm you and wants evil to befall on you while you have this symbol on you, they will fail to hurt you in any way.ย 

2) The Tree Of Life

10 Spiritual Symbols You MUST Know

The Tree Of Life is also popularly known as the World Tree and is said to be deeply associated with the concepts of life, birth, death, rebirth, and circle of life. The Tree Of Life is revered across many religions, traditions, and cultures around the world. Did you know that this tree is the same tree from which Adam and Eve picked the forbidden fruit, according to Christianity?

It is believed that the Tree Of Life is intricately linked to the four elements (fire, air, water, and earth), and also represents the infinite connection of each and everything that has been created by nature.

Do you want to know more about symbols and their meanings? Read 4 Most Powerful Celtic Mandala Symbols and Their Hidden Meanings

3) The Ankh

10 Spiritual Symbols You MUST Know
This is one of the most famous and revered spiritual symbols of the Egyptians and is also known as the key of life. It is associated with the concepts of the breath of life and eternal life. Did you know that the Egyptian ancestors would use the Ankh to regenerate sexual energy when it came to orgasming during sexual activity?

Many people wear the Ankh as an amulet for spiritual healing, for good fortune and to protect themselves from negative energies. Additionally, this spiritual symbol is believed to serve as a portal to the other side and can help in communicating with divine forces.

4) Eye Of Horus

10 Spiritual Symbols You MUST Know

The Eye of Horus is another strong and revered spiritual symbol of protection for the Egyptians. It is also known as the Ujat or Wadjet and the โ€œAll-Seeing Eyeโ€. The history behind this spiritual symbol is that it was supposed to protect the Pharaoh in the human world and also in the afterlife by warding off malevolent spirits and evil energies.ย 

Middle-Eastern sailors and ancient Egyptians used to strongly believe in this symbol and that is why they used it to paint it on their ships to guarantee safe travels on the sea.

5) The Lotus Flower

10 Spiritual Symbols You MUST Know

The Lotus Flower symbol is associated with many religions across the world, including Buddhism. It is a symbol of enlightenment. Because a lotus flower grows in muddy and dirty waters, and later blooms and opens its petals to the sunshine of enlightenment, it serves as a strong reminder of your journey from the tough times to your positive transformation.ย 

It also serves as a symbol of detachment, as the several water droplets on a lotus petal slowly slide off one by one.ย 

Intrigued to know more about spiritual symbols and their hidden meanings? Read 5 Lucky Symbols To Transform Your Life

6) The Yin Yang

spiritual symbols
The Yin-Yang symbol is probably one of the most well-known and famous spiritual symbols of all time. This symbol represents the concept of importance and harmonization of duality. It denotes the coming together of feminine and masculine energies, and how both of them are equally important.ย 

The Yin-Yang symbol draws attention to the law of balance and how the universe depends on it. As long as there is a balance between light and darkness, the universe and mankind will remain in harmony.ย 

7) The Pentacle

spiritual symbols

The Pentacle or commonly known as the Pentagram is always misunderstood as the Devilโ€™s sign. On the contrary, it stands for the qualities of man. The topmost point of Pentagram is associated with spirit, while the remaining points focus on the four elements.

Wiccans heavily use this symbol in sacred ceremonies to remind themselves of the nature of humankind.

8) The Caduceus

spiritual symbols
You must have seen this symbol in almost all healthcare organizations, but this is actually the traditional and spiritual symbol of Hermes, which shows two snakes coiling around a winged staff.

Caduceus represents the astrological planet, Mercury, and is associated with oneโ€™s life force energy. The twin snakes represent Kundalini energy that rises from the base of your spine, with one snake being masculine and the other snake, feminine. The two snakes intertwine with each other and symbolize the allowance of a successful person possessing the wings of a new life.

Want to have a deeper insight into symbols and their meanings? Read Native American Animal Symbols Of The Zodiac

9) Dharma Wheel

spiritual symbols

The Wheel of Dharma, or the โ€œWheel of Lawโ€, is a symbol of Buddhism, which teaches how you can embark on the path of Nirvana. Each spoke in the wheel represents a step in Gautama Buddhaโ€™s famous Eightfold Path. Want to know something interesting? The Wheel of Dharma is even older than Buddhism itself since it dates back to 2500 B.C.

10) The Flower of Life

spiritual symbols

The Flower of Life is one of the most important spiritual symbols of sacred geometry. You can see that it contains all the patterns of creation within it and has seven or more intersecting symbols.

This spiritual symbol dates back to many ancient civilizations and cultures and is believed to be one of the most sacred signs that all of creation came out of.ย 

Many people do not take spiritual symbols seriously and consider them hogwash, but it absolutely isnโ€™t so. Everything has a spiritual meaning behind it, just like these symbols have. You just have to be a bit open-minded to see it and acknowledge its importance.

If you want to know more about spiritual symbols and their meanings, then check this video out below:

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Spiritual Symbols You Must Know pin

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