Zodiac Signs And Their Sense Of Humor

Zodiac Signs And Their Sense of Humor

Sense Of Humor

Aries: Goofy, physical humor comes naturally to them. They are some of the top mimics among the Zodiacs!

Taurus: They are usually unintentionally hilarious and can take a step back and laugh at themselves too!

Gemini: Quick on the uptake, they remember jokes really well and can laugh at just about anything.

Cancer: They have a self-deprecating way of being funny. They pretend to be serious when they’re not.

Leo: There is a bit of exaggeration in their humor that is not only hilarious, but leaves you wanting to more.

Virgo: They have a snarky wit about people and their lives is usually very humorous and entertaining.

Libra: A little strife and sarcasm goes a long way for them! Once they lose their cold exterior and start, there’s no stopping their humor.

Scorpio: Sarcasm all the way. They make comments here, comments there; it’s borderline passive aggressive but funny!

Sagittarius: Everything in life can be turned into some hilarious experience with them. They’re a combination of humor, sarcasm and exaggeration.

Capricorn: The no smile facade lives here. They can keep a straight face until they start laughing at themselves.

Aquarius: Just naturally funny. They don’t really try to be a joke teller or anything.

Pisces: Their humor ranges from cute storytelling to down right obnoxious.

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