Why do we Repeat the Same Mistake in our Lives Again and Again


Are you one of those many people who repeat the same mistake over and over again?

In the course of our life, we gather an immense amount of experience of different kinds. Gathering experience is at the same time a process of learning.

Is that really true? The majority of people do not seem to learn from their experiences since they repeat the same mistakes over and over again. What is the reason for that?


The value of experience always comes from our being present at the time and place of the experience concerned. In most cases, however, we are only present physically when something is happening to us, and our attention is almost always somewhere else. Our attention is either engaged by our past memories or our plans for the future. The experience in these cases simply happens to us, and we do not learn anything from it. In other words, the experience leaves no trace in us.

Have you ever made the same mistake again and again, and learnt the same lessons from life? Read Spiral of Life: Why We Revisit The Same Lessons Of Life Time and Again

We will only be able to learn and benefit from our experience if we add the quality of consciousness to our presence. In a given moment, when an experience is actually happening to us, we should be alert and attentive, make efforts to reach the depths of the experience and understand it in its entirety.

In that case, we will not only learn from our experience, but our alertness will be even stronger.

When our alertness is intensified, we begin to realize that we are not a body and a soul, but a pure, contemplating Consciousness behind these. A great inner awakening takes place in us and, for the first time in our life, we begin to feel the most elementary truth of our life, and we experience the pure joy of Existence.

The chant of the heart will sound in us, and our love and happiness will overflow, pouring out to the outside world. The chant will be a wake-up call for the people around us, helping them to find their own harmony in themselves, so that they may also sing the chant of the heart.

If you want to know more about why people repeat the same mistakes over and over again, then check out this video below:

From the new book: 3 Stages in the Evolution of the Human Spirit EGO โ€“ ALERTNESS โ€“ CONSCIOUSNESS by Frank M Wanderer Ph.D.

Why do we Repeat the Same Mistake in our Lives Again and Again

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