Understanding Deja Vu: The Mystery of Time Explained



Have you ever had that uncanny feeling that made you question, “hasn’t this already happened before?”. The following article sheds light on deja vu that sparks an unexplained feeling of familiarity with people, places, and situations.

“The present moment is the only moment available to us and it is the doorway to all moments.” –Thich Nhat Hanh

Could you agree that in every moment, you are your past, your present, and your future self? Let’s explore.

Scientifically speaking, we understand that space and time are relative meaning that they depend solely on the motion of the observer who measures them. From this simple fact and for those of us who believe that our souls are eternal, it can then be understood that our future selves are watching us right now through our memories. Wow! Let’s think about that for a moment.

This means that you are already dead, you have just been born and every moment in between is happening in other dimensions of ‘reality.’

Read Déjà Rêvé: What it Is and Why We Feel The Way We Feel

How Is This Possible?

Deja Vu

If this sounds like a far cry from the truth for you, we need to first understand that everything is energy, and energy can neither be created nor destroyed, only transformed from one form to another.

“When we die, we do so not in the random billiard ball matrix but in the inescapable life matrix. Life has a non-linear dimensionality — it’s like a perennial flower that returns to bloom in the multiverse.” -Robert Lanza

As Robert states, life itself is non-linear, meaning that it is free from death and it is free from time.

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And What Is Time?

Time is a tool that we created as a means to measure the space between our thoughts and desires and their manifestation. To put it plainly, ‘time’ is the space between your thoughts and the fruition of the manifestation into the present moment of reality.

So in one sense, when we talk about ‘dimensions’ what we are referring to is the observable space that separates our chosen individual experiences both pre and post-incarnation.

Now what we are currently witnessing as we ascend into this new paradigm, is the acceleration of our own manifestations to a ‘higher dimensional level’. Quite frankly, the space between our thoughts and desires is shrinking as we become our past, present, and future selves embodying a more universal, eternal consciousness.

Read Recovered Memory Syndrome

What Is Deja Vu?

Many people have been puzzled by the phenomenon of Deja Vu, and this is probably why I’ve chosen to cover the topic. The ironic thing is that sometimes the clarity you seek has been right in front of you the entire time.

At the beginning of this article, Thich Nhat Hanh was quoted about living in the present moment. Now there are many people who can attest to the benefits of “present living”, and many can agree that it brings emotional stability, healing, an increase in health and well-being as well is beneficial for energy flow.

Now what we don’t pick up on as quickly, is the multitude of benefits it creates for our own spirituality. And to understand Deja Vu, we need to understand that spirituality itself is defined as “connecting to something that is bigger than ourselves”.

When we choose to live a “spiritual way of life” what we are attempting is a quest to bring meaning into our lives and when we connect, we experience that which is “bigger than ourselves”– finding the most treasured insights and gaining profound wisdom.

What Causes Deja Vu?

Deja Vu

We do not exist merely on one timeline or dimension of reality, our souls exist in billions of probable outcomes of reality and our minds explore each potential path prior to us walking the path. On the same level, because space and time are relative, when we find ourselves in a place in time where we experience deja vu, what is happening is we are remembering the memory. 

In some cases of deja vu, your future self remembers this exact moment in time as something that was either fond to recall or regretful and hopes that your present self, will remember and change the outcome.

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This ideology places profound importance on present living because it is only in the present moment that you become aware of all moments, past and future, and possess the ability to integrate them into your conscious state of awareness.

In conclusion:

It can be said that present living is the key way to spirituality, finding meaning in life, and connecting to that which is bigger than ourselves.

Death is an illusion, life is a dream, and we are the creator of our own imagination.

By LJ Vanier
Originally published on isoulscience.com

We hope you found the above article insightful. Now that you are clear on deja vu meaning and what deja vu feels like, share your personal experiences on this topic by commenting down below.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is deja vu real?

Yes, deja vu is a common experience, and almost everyone has this feeling of inappropriate familiarity at least once in their life. But researchers haven’t been able to offer any scientific explanation yet.

What does déjà vu mean spiritually?

In a spiritual context, experiencing déjà vu means your past life memories or the memories from an alternate reality or dimension are being identified by your soul.

Who experiences déjà vu?

People within the age bracket of 15-25, those who travel extensively, who can remember their dreams often, and who are stressed or tired, are most likely to experience déjà vu.

Is déjà vu a warning or a gift?

It depends on your perspective. Through the experience of déjà vu, your future self might warn you by making you identify a past memory and nudge you to make a different choice.

Understanding Deja Vu
Understanding Deja Vu
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