12 Important Things You Need To Know By The Time You Turn 30


things know by time your turn 30

Life is a never-ending journey of learning and growing. There are always new experiences and lessons to be absorbed. But at times, we need gentle reminders of the things that’ll help us progress in the right direction, and encourage us to become our best versions, so we can actually be the person we have always wanted to be. Hence if you’re looking for some motivation, here we’ve listed down 12 Important Things You Need To Know By The Time You Turn 30. They are just as useful at any stage of your life.

Absorb the words, try to apply them in your daily life and of course, share with as many people as you can!

12 Important Things You Need To Know By The Time You Turn 30

1. Whatever you want to do in life, you can do it.

Life is filled with opportunities that help us to grow. But you need to spot those opportunities and understand their true worth, and for that, you need passion, courage, and a goal-oriented mindset. Often we get stuck in the negative mindset of “It’s not possible to do this or that, or I’ll do it afterward.” But the truth is that there is no ‘later’; focus on the ‘now’.

No one can restrict the things you do in life. Even though the thought of venturing into unknown paths seems scary, remember that you can create the kind of life you want.

If you are doing something new that you are entirely inexperienced in, it is, no doubt, a challenging situation for you. But a path can be planned out after taking note of the things that have worked in your favor previously and those that haven’t. discard the things that don’t work for you and focus on the ones that work.

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2. Your most valuable assets are Truth and Integrity.

We see superficial things all around us, but deep down, you should know the true nature of things. Don’t base your actions on someone’s else’s approval. Don’t change your path just because another person doesn’t like it. Don’t give in to someone’s arguments and agree with them just to maintain peace; hold your ground. Be honest; don’t lie about something that’ll benefit you superficially.

True peace in life can be achieved only if you have the courage to be honest and true. Truth and integrity are the foundations of your power. Never lose those qualities.

3. There is always something new to learn in any subject or situation.

Never stop learning. The eagerness and ability to learn new things about various topics shouldn’t end with the end of our school lives. As we age, we should focus on learning new things every day, that is how we grow as a person.

Your mind is always thirsty for new information and more knowledge. The storage space in your brain is boundless. So feel motivated to absorb every kind of knowledge that you come across.

4. Only You are responsible for every condition your life is in.

The truth sounds harsh. But ask yourself this– “Who should feel motivated to ensure that everything in my life works out exactly the way I had wished it would?” You have your answer; it’s none other than YOU.

The next question you need to ask yourself is, “Who should feel responsible to see to it that my life turns out the way I had planned?” Again, you know the answer is YOU.

5. Life is ever-changing. Plan your steps accordingly.

Change is the only constant thing in life. Your life is changing in small steps every minute of each day.

Hence, you need to be spontaneous. If you have rigid ideas about how life is supposed to be and have a fixed plan to deal with everything, you might end up taking the wrong step.

In a given situation, give it a thorough thought about what is actually going on and what are your intentions. First, observe closely and then take action- that’s always the best way to tackle any situation.

6. Hold on to what you know is right.

In this fast-paced, ever-changing world, it is hard to hold on to who we know we really are. Then there is the problem of desensitization. We get used to certain things over time, even though we would have steered clear of those circumstances in the past, keeping in mind what we believed in.

Always hold on to your ideals and core values. You can always evolve and in fact, you should, but never lose your integrity. Stick to what you know is right and at times, think about who you really are.

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7. Life can be uncomfortable sometimes.

Life can be pretty uncomfortable sometimes and that is unavoidable. But we can always learn how to deal with the discomfort and use the lessons to be better prepared for similar situations in the future.

When you have to face an uncomfortable situation, don’t be scared. An unfavorable situation can be an opportunity to figure things out. Take advantage of it and learn how to change the situation.

8. Take ownership of your life.

It’s so much better when you decide the course of your life and make things happen, rather than allow someone else to make your decisions just because it is the easier thing to do.

Life is rewarding when you take charge of your life, but if someone else is in the driver’s seat, it can be very dangerous and things can go horribly wrong.

9. Do not look for validation from others for doing the right thing.

In life, many times you’ll have to go against the conventional beliefs in order to do what you think is right.

It’s not easy to go against the majority, and you’ll definitely face some resistance. But still you must do it if your conscience tell you that it’s the correct things to do.

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10. Do not seek revenge.

Being vengeful never ends well. Taking revenge just for the sake of getting back at the person who has wronged you is poison for your heart and soul. When you take revenge on somebody, it binds you with the person and you’ll never be able to rid your mind of their thoughts. And that is a horrible and uneasy feeling to live with. Sometimes you have to stop a person who is doing wrong to others and harming them. Keeping the greater good of society in mind, your actions are justified. But otherwise, revenge is bad for your soul.

11. The most valuable things are the people in your life.

At day end, when you are in bed and pondering about different things in your life, what makes you feel content? Is it the bonus you got at work? Or your new car sitting in your garage? Or is it the people you can share these joys with?

Have you ever survived a disaster? I’m sure the first thing you wanted to do after the ordeal was over was to connect with your loved ones and enquire about the safety of your family, friends and neighbors. At the end of the day, the people in our lives matter the most and make life worth living. It is our nature to seek the company of fellow humans. Let’s not forget that.

12. Focus more on the positives in life instead of the negatives.

Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass. It’s about learning how to dance in the rain.– Vivian Greene.

No one’s life is all good or all bad. If you constantly worry and complain about the negative things in life, you will never find anything to be happy about. You need to focus on the positives and reach out for the things that give you joy and peace.

Without the difficult stuff and bad times, it wouldn’t be possible for us to learn and grow. So they are important too. But make sure that the good vibes always outweigh the bad ones.

You Need To Know By The Time You Turn 30
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