feeds your mind.
An active brain
needs to be fueled
by the juice of knowledge
from the tank of books.
Filling your brain,
With the fuel of knowledge,
Directly from the books,
The best way to increase the mileage.
Helps you go,
On and on and on,
Without a stutter or a stop,
The knowledge is never gone.
Nourishment keeps your body healthy,
yet you age.
Replenishment of knowledge
fuels your brain to go miles,
making you young and energetic.
Hence, browse through books
to retain your outlook.
Thoughts keep it in motion,
More often causing a commotion.
Makes the brain,
Simply drain.
Self help comes to our rescue.
To books I say a big Thank you!
Reading is fundamental for the brain,
dissemination to the lame.
Fueling the pockets of illiterate air,
helping to unfreeze that stupid stare.
dialog equations at linear speed,
espousing lectures,
out of physical need.
Food for thought:
Mind, body and heart.
Feed them with art.
Fuelling the one that needs attention,
For a smooth ride in the right direction!
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