Caption This Image and Selected Wisepicks – 27 February 2022

Caption This Image and Selected Wisepicks – 27 February 2022

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Selected Wisepicks (Captions)

We have selected 23 comments (captions) as Wise picks from our Facebook PageFacebook Group and Youtube as on 1st March 2022.


Niranjana Shankar

The more deeply rooted
you are in reality,
the higher your consciousness
reaches in actuality.


Malka Rahat

The heart becomes peaceful
with deep-rooted meditation,
and the peaceful heart
feels delighted as
flying dove into the sky.


Vinita Singh

When you feel
rooted in the earth,
solace is what you find
in your heart and
that is when it guides you
to spread love and
happiness everywhere.


Anjana Surendran

Meditate and remain
grounded to sync
with the rhythm
of the Universe
and see yourself
healing all along.


Araliza Arias

While my heart
delights in peace
on the roots of nature,
my soul can fly
on the wings of love
on an adventure.


Imelda Correa

Nature has a way
of reflecting us the
essence of tranquility,
deep rooted in our soul,
and finding a perfect
rendezvous in our hearts.


Pauline Ebijimi

When your roots are deep,
you will be able to channel
and have control over
the energy around you.


Noor Afshan

‘The light’ lies within,
don’t seek it outside.
Inside the depths
of your soul,
it truly resides.


Richard Loone

While our bodies
are grounded to earth,
our minds are free
to imagineand dream the
freedom from constraints.


Shilpika Bagh

Stay rooted in
your principles in life,
and from every despair,
you will rise.


Matthew Diengdoh

If you are one with nature,
nature will be one with you.


Roccio Saldaña

To be at peace
with the world,
you must first find it
within yourself.


Navroop Sarao

Sit in solitude,
gather your thoughts,
contemplate to keep
what is good
for your soul,
and let go of the rest.


Dipti Chauhan

The peace
you seek outside,
Is actually lying inside,
Peep deeply into
your heart and mind,
The utmost peace
you will find.


Shweta Ankur Gupta

When you stay grounded
and connected with
your inner self,
Your heart wanders
like a free bird,
keeping worries at bay.


Mrinalini Saurav Kakkar

Align yourself
not to attain enlightenment,
but for a balance,
keeping you grounded,
enriched, and free.


Kavita Lutchman

Compassionate love is an
expression that emanates
both internally and externally.
As you become one
with nature by nurturing
the best version of yourself.


Wanpyllaitphar Khongsngi

In the tranquility
of the mind
and composure,
even nature becomes
a co-partner.


Sonali Pawar

In the lap of nature…..
Pacify your mind….
Establish a connection
with your heart …..
And feel the freedom,
purity, beauty of your
soul and thoughts….


Shahina Praveen

When I am grounded,
centered, and calm,
my vision is infinite.
I see no more blocked paths.
Spending time in nature,
helps to flourish in all ventures.


Linda Park

No matter
what transformation
takes place around you,
remember, nothing is
beyond your control,
as long as you continue
to stay rooted and
grounded always.


Dr. Ruchira Desai

Meditation is the key
to purifying your heart,
which connects you
to nature earth and
calms your mind and soul
to achieve the ultimate
bliss and peace !!


WildGypsy Rose

When the heart
and mind align,
you can soar
to new heights.

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