Caption This Image and Selected Wisepicks – 6 November 2021

Suman Singh Coherent thinking helps featured 1

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Selected Wisepicks (Captions)

We have selected 18 comments (captions) as Wise picks from our Facebook PageFacebook Group and Youtube as on 8 November 2021.

Suman Singh Coherent thinking helps

Suman Singh

Coherent thinking helps
climbing the ladder of
couple compatibility.

Araliza Arias The ladder of success

Araliza Arias

The ladder of success
between opposing genders
is separated by a
climbing gap through
a cloud of opportunities.

Rinku Shah Whether you are complete or not

Rinku Shah

Whether you are complete or not?
Don’t give it much thought.
Build each other along the way…
Relationships work best this way!

Palak Trivedi compatibility sans grudges

Palak Trivedi

Let’s complete each other
by climbing ladders of
disagreement and differences
which leads to
compatibility sans grudges.

Imelda Correa Side by side we are climbing.

Imelda Correa

Side by side, we are climbing.
Finding the missing
parts of our puzzle;
We may be two imperfect souls
embracing incompatibilities
to be complete.
In the end, it’s true love
that would make us
a perfect match and fit.

Palak Trivedi ladder towards eternity

Palak Trivedi

When our hearts and
minds are synchronous,
our soul climbs the
ladder towards eternity.

Anjana Surendran Puzzled remains the mind

Anjana Surendran

Puzzled remains the mind,
until two hearts decide to
sync with the rhythms of love.

Roccio Saldaña Everything makes more sense

Roccio Saldaña

Everything makes more sense
when we are synchronized
with someone else.

Lisa Dutkiewicz Piece by piece

Lisa Dutkiewicz

The best relationships
are built up slowly
and naturally.
Piece by piece.

Sherry Greene building something new

Sherry Greene

A great relationship
is always under construction,
building something new.

Dipanweeta Das The ladder to compatibility

Dipanweeta Das

The ladder to compatibility
is sans partition and
division of opinions.

Bhawna Himatsinghani Clouds of doubt

Bhawna Himatsinghani

Clouds of doubt
can never bridge
a bond between the two.
Trust is the only key
for completing the
jigsaw puzzle of the
two individual lives.

Kamlesh Bhasin Each step you climb up

Kamlesh Bhasin

Each step you climb up,
to bond your relationships
can prove remarkably
commendable in
portraying your image…

Shahina Praveen build each other again

Shahina Praveen

We all have our broken
pieces lost in the past.
Let’s unite,
climb one step at a time
and build each other again.

Shambhavi M R The heat of differences

Shambhavi M R

The heat of differences
should not climb up to head…
Remove the ladder
of ego to avoid that.

Linda S. Mansolf It takes two to make a couple

Linda S. Mansolf

It takes two to make a couple.
Building a relationship
is often like a puzzle,
piece by piece by piece….

Kavita Anand Yelgeti When two people climb

Kavita Anand Yelgeti

When two people climb
the ladder of mutual harmony
to find a place in
each other’s minds,
the cloud of misconception
spontaneously dissipates
and the two thoughts
and minds become one.

Anjali choudhary The ladder of ascension

Anjali choudhary

The ladder of ascension
is uniting the masculine
and feminine within us.

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