She would nestle, She would embrace..
the things, as to never let them go;
clinging so tight till and cherishing ‘Them’,
till She discerned something low..
Blistering her heart and blighting her soul;
Wrapping her mind , lest passing over herself.
For once,
She unlatched what she held close,
She ousted what she bosomed..
Herself she picked, only to evoke;
to give the things go by..
That no longer were worth,
and made her blithersome no more..
For it wasn’t worth her while;
and wherefore She ” Let it go !! “”
Monika Ajay Kaul
My Mind Talk Series, A series devoted to our readers. Does your Mind do a lot of thinking too ? Do you have questions to ask ? A Poem, A question, an article or any thought that wants to be shared. Pour them here. Click the Submit button and we will publish it on our Site. Why let that thought Sink ? Let it be free Write on.. ? Let the Mind Talk Begin
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