Weekly Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign (25th August To 31st August)
Aries: Your energy is increased by Mars, making you more ambitious. Nevertheless, Mercury retrograde insists on extensive planning. Be attentive to prevent mistakes. Practical Tip: Check out the details twice before making any decisions.
Taurus: The presence of Venus leads to increased creativity, while Saturn’s influence promotes discipline. Find a balance between pleasure & duty for the best results. Practical Tip: List your priorities to enhance time efficiency.
Gemini: As Mercury retrogrades in Virgo, there is a need for self-examination for your sign. Communication hiccups may occur; be patient. Practical Tip: Make clear your intentions to avoid misunderstandings.
Cancer: Virgo sun will make you focus on practical issues, like health and routine stability mattering most now. Practical Tip: Set up a regular daily program.
Leo: Venus in Leo favors old love affairs or artistic endeavors. Resolve past issues for closure. Practical Tip: Think before resuming old relationships.
Virgo: Sun together with the aid of Mercury retrograde emphasizes personal growth. Internal reflection often yields valuable insights. Practical tip: Meditate in order to gain clarity about what is going on at present.
Libra: Crucial points that should be addressed during Leo season include balance with Venus. Tactfully navigate social situations avoiding conflict. Practical tip: Practice diplomacy so as not to spoil relations with people around you.
Scorpio: Mars drives towards change but Mercury retrograde says to be careful. Do not make impulsive decisions. Practical tip: Plan and then act in order to succeed.
Sagittarius: Imprudent Jupiter amplifies imprudence whereas the limits are put by Saturn” This shows that one must strive hard towards his or her dreams regardless Practical tip: Divide targets into small portions in order not to lose concentration on them.
Capricorn: Saturn in Pisces promotes introspection. Review your long-term goals and adjust them accordingly. Practical tip: Look back over the past to see how far you have come.
Aquarius: Mercury retrograde asks you to re-evaluate old ideas as Uranus inspires innovation. Practical tip: Go back to the experiences or concepts of bygone days that can be rejuvenated for a fresh solution.
Pisces: Neptune intensifies intuition, but Mars pushes towards action. Maintain a balance between dreams and reality when striving for success. Practical Tip: Act by perception to realize set objectives.
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