Pisces Season Horoscopes For The 12 Zodiac Signs Unveiled


When the cold winter gives way to the soft spring, this means it’s Pisces season! So, how can your horoscopes for the Pisces season 2024 be far behind?

As the Sun bids farewell to the practical Water Bearer and welcomes the gentle embrace of the Twin Fish, we gradually emerge from our emotional hibernation or Hermit mode of the Aquarius, right into the compassionate, loving, and dreamy spirit of Pisces season.

So, what are the Pisces season dates?

  • First day of Pisces season falls on February 19th
  • End of Pisces season will be on March 20th

But how does the Pisces season energy of this year impact your life, destiny, work, or relationships? 

No need to guess, just find your Big Three (Sun, Moon, and Rising) signs from below, and get a preview of your upcoming days under the Pisces sun, with the help of the Pisces season astrology!

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Pisces Season 2024: Horoscope Predictions For The 12 Zodiac Signs

Here is your Pisces season horoscope, based on your individual zodiac sign: 

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Pisces season 2024

The Pisces season for Aries starts with a beckoning for you to dive into your inner world, encouraging introspection and spiritual growth.

The conjunctions and squares involving Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Uranus throughout this period challenge you to reassess your relationships and ambitions.

Embrace change and let your intuition guide you, especially during the New Moon in Pisces on March 10th, which offers a canvas for your dreams and aspirations.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Pisces season 2024

Pisces season for Taurus is about expanding your social circles and connecting with like-minded individuals.

The planetary alignments, particularly Venus squaring Jupiter and Uranus, may test the stability of your relationships and values.

Stay adaptable and open to new experiences. The sextiles involving Mercury, Jupiter, and Uranus towards the latter part of the season will provide clarity and unexpected opportunities for growth.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Pisces season 2024

As the Pisces season starts, career and public image take center stage for you, Gemini. The Sun’s entry into Pisces illuminates your professional life, urging you to align your career goals with your true self.

The conjunctions and squares this season may bring sudden shifts in your work environment, pushing you to innovate. Use the creative energy of the New Moon in Pisces on March 10th to set intentions for your career trajectory.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Pisces season 2024

Pisces season invites you to broaden your horizons, Cancer. Whether through travel, learning, or spiritual exploration, as a Cancer in Pisces season, this is a time to break free from your comfort zone.

The Venus-Mars conjunction and subsequent squares highlight the importance of adaptability in your personal growth. The New Moon in Pisces of 10th March encourages you to dream big and set intentions that resonate with your soul’s desires.

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Pisces season 2024

Pisces season for Leo is all about delving deep into themes of intimacy and transformation.

The cosmic activity, especially the Venus-Mars conjunction and the squares involving Jupiter and Uranus, calls for a reevaluation of your close relationships and financial matters.

You will need to embrace the introspective energy of Pisces to uncover deeper truths about yourself and heal. The New Moon in Pisces on March 10th offers a chance to reset yourself emotionally and spiritually.

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Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Pisces season 2024

Pisces season 2024 says relationships are in the spotlight for you, Virgo. The Piscean energy, coupled with the significant planetary conjunctions and squares, challenges you to find a balance between independence and connection.

The Full Moon in your sign on February 24th brings personal revelations, urging you to harmonize your needs with those of others. Use this period to foster understanding and compassion in your partnerships.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Pisces season 2024

Pisces season for Libra will be all about positive changes and healthy habits. Your focus shifts to health and daily routines, Libra. The Sun in Pisces illuminates the need for self-love and organization.

The Venus-Mars conjunction, along with the challenging squares may disrupt your routines, prompting you to find new ways to maintain balance. The New Moon in Pisces on March 10th is an ideal time to set intentions for wellness and productivity.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Pisces season 2024

Pisces season 2024 will boost creativity and romance for you, Scorpio. Pisces season encourages you to embrace your passionate and artistic side.

The planetary aspects, particularly the Venus-Mars conjunction and the squares with Jupiter and Uranus, bring excitement and potential upheaval in your love life and passionate endeavors.

The New Moon in Pisces on March 10th invites you to dream and create with your heart. Channel your authentic feelings through creative outlets.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Pisces season 2024

Pisces season 2024 brings your home and family matters to the fore, Sagittarius. The Sun’s journey through Pisces asks you to nurture your personal space and relationships.

The series of conjunctions and squares throughout the season may stir emotions and changes within your domestic life. Use the introspective energy of Pisces to connect deeply with loved ones and create a sanctuary that reflects your spirit.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

Pisces season 2024

Communication is key for you during the Pisces season 2024, Capricorn. This period enhances your empathetic listening and expressive abilities.

The Venus-Mars conjunction and the subsequent squares may challenge your ideas and prompt you to think innovatively.

The New Moon in Pisces on March 10th is a powerful time to set intentions related to learning, communication, and community involvement.

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Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)\

Pisces season 2024

Pisces season 2024 turns your attention to financial and material security, Aquarius. The cosmic activity, especially the Venus-Mars conjunction in your sign, urges you to reassess your values and resources.

The squares with Jupiter and Uranus might bring unexpected shifts, pushing you towards growth. Use this time to dream up new ways to enhance your sense of abundance and stability.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Pisces season 2024

With the Sun in your sign, Pisces season for Pisces is all about personal renewal and embracing your true self. The conjunctions with Mercury, Saturn, and Neptune in your sign amplify your intuitive and creative powers.

The squares and sextiles involving other planets encourage you to navigate changes with grace and to dream big. The New Moon in Pisces on March 10th is especially significant for you, offering a moment to set heartfelt intentions for the year ahead.

As we navigate through Pisces season 2024, let us all embrace the fluidity, imagination, and compassion that this sign offers.

Pisces season 2024 is a time to dream, heal, and prepare for the rebirth that spring promises. Remember to tap into this energy for a smooth transition to the next phase of your life. Happy Pisces season to you all!

Pisces season 2024
Pisces season 2024

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