Only the Brightest Minds Can Spot the Hidden Woman in This Optical Puzzle. Time Limit –  9 Seconds Only!


Take a peek inside the strange world of this puzzle. You got a man looking for god knows what in the woods. But dig deeper, and you’ll find there’s something more going on here. Can you see it?

Right in front of your eyes is the outline of a woman’s face hidden inside this absurd picture. Can you spot the hidden woman in this image within 9 seconds?

Dive deep within the depths of mystery and find what hides within this perplexing optical illusion. Unfortunately, you won’t have a lot of time.

Optical Illusion for IQ Test – Spot the Hidden Woman, Can You Do it in 9 Seconds?

spot the hidden woman

In this black-and-white illustration, we see what looks like an eccentric man walking through a forest. Something seems off about this sketch, though, something unusual, because it depicts a story happening within it, or the man is part of the art itself.

This sketch looks like it was ripped straight from a children’s book, but with all classic children’s stories, you know there’s always more to them than what meets the eye.

As you’ve probably guessed by now, there’s an optical illusion hidden in this image. The silhouette of a woman is blended with all the leaves and branches in such a way that it doesn’t stand out at first glance.

But with some focus and silence, you’ll be able to spot the hidden woman in no time.

Are you prepared to take on the high IQ Test?

The challenge begins.

Read more here: Find the Rabbit Quiz: Only the Top 2% of People with Attentive Minds Can Solve This. Can you?

Experts say that finding her within 9 seconds is proof that you have an abnormally high IQ. She’s hidden so well that most people would just give up after a few moments.

You should focus your eyes and mind on the picture so you can begin your journey into madness. Now, let’s get started.

To find the hidden face of this woman, get rid of all distractions. Time yourself so you’re feeling the pressure and give it a shot. If the nine-second mark passes without success, don’t worry; most people can’t see stuff like this instantly.

If you’re ready to quit, then first listen to what we are about to say. If you want some help, though, look at the guy in the center of the image.

Look for a woman’s upper body with her head looking up towards him. This hint should make it easier for you to find her face.

If you want to solve the Optical Illusion for IQ Test, just scroll down. But before you do, we tell you right now that it will unravel the whole challenge.

Find the Hidden Woman Quiz – Scroll Below To Find The Result This High IQ Test

To be frank, it’s a little bit hard to spot the woman’s face at first, but it’s located just below the man’s right arm. If you’re still having trouble finding it, we’ve provided a visual guide in the photo below.

Spot the Hidden Woman

Optical illusions can be confusing to follow, especially when one person sees something and another sees something completely different.

According to Associate Professor Paul E. Dux from the School of Psychology at the University of Queensland, this is because everyone has their own perception of ‘spatial attention’.

Read more here: Find Six Odd Letters in This Image: A Visual Challenge, Can You Find Them in Just 10 Seconds?

What It Means

1. Discovering the Face of the Mysterious Woman in Less Than 9 Seconds:

If you managed to spot the woman’s face in less than 9 seconds, then congratulations! Your eyes work like lightning when it comes to solving visual puzzles and quickly deciphering what is in an image. Good job!

2. Spotting the Mysterious Woman’s Face in 9 Seconds:

Spotting this woman’s face within a timeframe of 9 seconds is amazing! It just goes to show how sharp your eye for detail is and how good your brain is at finding things, especially when a quick puzzle needs solving. Keep up the great work!

3. Finding the Mysterious Woman’s Face in More Than 9 Seconds:

There’s no need to worry if it takes you more time than usual, as these puzzles can be really tricky! You showcased how patient and thorough your investigation skills are and that you can eventually find whatever you’re looking for.

Share the time it took you in the comments below to solve the Find the Hidden Woman quiz!

spot the hidden woman

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