Your Monthly Spiritual Guidance: July 2024. Channelled Messages For The 12 Zodiac Signs


Accurate Monthly Spiritual Guidance For Zodiac Signs

Welcome to your Julyโ€™s monthly spiritual guidance! This month, we have significant shifts and opportunities for growth in the cosmic energies, according to your monthly horoscope. As we experience several vital planetary movements including new moon in cancer, full moon in Aquarius and mercury retrograde starting from Leo sign, this is a time to self-reflect, rejuvenate and reconnect with ourselves. Let us find out how these events are going to affect every zodiac sign and give some professional advice on how you can navigate through the spiritual landscape of July.

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Your Monthly Spiritual Guidance: July 2024

Hereโ€™s your monthly Spiritual Guidance:

1.ย Aries Monthly Spiritual Guidanceย (March 21 โ€“ April 19)

Monthly spiritual guidance
Your Monthly Spiritual Guidance: July 2024. Channelled Messages For The 12 Zodiac Signs

According to the Aries monthly spiritual guidance, the New Moon in Cancer during July concentrates on your home life and family matters. It is an intense period for emotional healing as well as developing deeper bonds with loved ones. Be careful about communication breakdowns due to Mercuryโ€™s retrogradation.

Expert Tip: Build a holy space within your house where you can retire to meditate; it contributes greatly to inner tranquility regardless of the fuss that may be happening at home.

2. Taurus Monthly Spiritual Guidance

Monthly spiritual guidance
Your Monthly Spiritual Guidance: July 2024. Channelled Messages For The 12 Zodiac Signs

According to the Taurus monthly spiritual guidance, The Full Moon in Aquarius draws attention to careers and long-term goals of Taurus. Evaluate all your achievements before setting intentions for the next cycle. Go back with open eyes over family issues brought up by Mercury when it was moving backwards in the domestic sphere.

Expert Tip: Practice grounding exercises such as walking barefooted in nature to remain focused towards aspirations.

3. Gemini Monthly Spiritual Guidance ( May 21 โ€“ June 20)

Monthly spiritual guidance
Your Monthly Spiritual Guidance: July 2024. Channelled Messages For The 12 Zodiac Signs

According to the Gemini monthly Spiritual Guidance, New Moon in Cancer tends to put emphasis on the financial aspect thus making it a good moment for resetting money related resolutions or rather objectives. Avoid hasty communications due to Mercuryโ€™s retrograde.

Expert Tips: Use gratitude journaling as a way of appreciating whatever amount of money that comes into your life so that you can attract more.

4.ย Cancer Monthly Spiritual Guidance (June 21 โ€“ July 22)

Monthly spiritual guidance
Your Monthly Spiritual Guidance: July 2024. Channelled Messages For The 12 Zodiac Signs

According to the Cancer monthly Spiritual Guidance, this monthโ€™s new moon is going to occur in your own star sign, which signifies an important time in your life. Reflecting on the past and setting new goals is essential at this stage. There might be misunderstandings due to Mercuryโ€™s retrogradation in Cancer, thus avoid ambiguous expressions.

Expert Tip: Carry out daily affirmations to get confidence boosts as well as aligning with your higher self.

5.ย Leo Monthly Spiritual Guidance (July 23 โ€“ August 22)

Monthly spiritual guidance
Your Monthly Spiritual Guidance: July 2024. Channelled Messages For The 12 Zodiac Signs

According to Leo monthly spiritual guidance, Coming right up is the Full Moon in Aquarius that will illuminate Leoโ€™s sector of partnership therefore asking you to contemplate relationships. It is necessary for you to reflect upon yourself during this period of Mercuryโ€™s retrograde.

Expert Tip: Try practicing breath work everyday in order to quieten racing thoughts and bring clarity into your connection dynamics.

6. Virgo Monthly Spiritual Guidance (August 23 โ€“ September 22)

Monthly spiritual guidance
Your Monthly Spiritual Guidance: July 2024. Channelled Messages For The 12 Zodiac Signs

According to Virgo monthly spiritual guidance, New Moon taking place in Cancer improves social links and community involvement. Use this time to strengthen friendship ties. Inner reflection and reconsidering old beliefs are advised by Mercury which has gone retrograde on spiritual matters.

Expert Tip: Focus on mindful breathing whilst involved in social interactions so that one remains present throughout.

7.ย Libra Monthly Spiritual Guidance (September 23 โ€“ October 22)

Monthly spiritual guidance
Your Monthly Spiritual Guidance: July 2024. Channelled Messages For The 12 Zodiac Signs

According to Libra monthly spiritual guidance, The Full Moon for a Libra highlights creative expression. Acceptance of artistic talents and reversion back to childhood upbringing should be experienced by all those who meet the new moon in Aires while mercury moves backwards through career sign.

Expert Tips: Commit weekly hobby sessions on activities of creativity that result into fulfilling feelings of joy.

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8. Scorpioย Monthly Spiritual Guidance (October 23 โ€“ November 21)

Monthly spiritual guidance
Your Monthly Spiritual Guidance: July 2024. Channelled Messages For The 12 Zodiac Signs

According to Scorpio Monthly Spiritual Guidance, During Julyโ€™s New Moon, Scorpio will experience heightened spirituality and enhanced knowledge acquisition. Sample different philosophies; also take a deep dive into your own spiritual journey during such times. Planning ahead is recommended given that Mercury has been retrograding around travel sign so there could be delays.

Expert Tip: For a spiritual path, spend some time in nature to restore your inner being and learn from nature.

9. Sagittarius Monthly Spiritual Guidance (November 22 โ€“ December 21)

Monthly spiritual guidance
Your Monthly Spiritual Guidance: July 2024. Channelled Messages For The 12 Zodiac Signs

According to Sagittarius monthly spiritual guidance, Insights into your personal beliefs and philosophies will come as Sagittarius experiences the Full Moon in Aquarius. Reflect on your lifeโ€™s track and make necessary adjustments. Mercury retrograde in your financial sector encourages you to review your money matters.

Expert Tip: To remain focused on one’s spiritual journey, it is important for one to create a vision board for their goals.

10.ย Capricorn Monthly Spiritual Guidance (December 22 โ€“ January 19)

Monthly spiritual guidance
Your Monthly Spiritual Guidance: July 2024. Channelled Messages For The 12 Zodiac Signs

According to Capricorn monthly spiritual guidance, the New Moon in Cancer highlights relations making it a perfect time for building deeper connections. Mercury retrograde in your communication sector may bring up past issues, so approach them with compassion.

Expert Tip: Develop empathy towards others by practicing heart-centered meditation.

11. Aquarius Monthly Spiritual Guidance (January 20 โ€“ Februaryย 18)

Monthly spiritual guidance
Your Monthly Spiritual Guidance: July 2024. Channelled Messages For The 12 Zodiac Signs

According to Aquarius monthly spiritual guidance, the Full Moon in your sign brings you powerful insights and revelations. Embrace yourself as different from the others and let go of what no longer serves you. Mercury retrograde in your wellness sector makes you revise health routines.

Expert Tip: Celebrate personal uniqueness through daily affirmations that appreciate individual qualities of oneself.

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12. Pisces Monthly Spiritual Guidance (February 19 โ€“ March 20)

Monthly spiritual guidance
Your Monthly Spiritual Guidance: July 2024. Channelled Messages For The 12 Zodiac Signs

According to Pisces monthly spiritual guidance, the New Moon in Cancer greatly boosts creativity and intuition power. Use this period to find out new skills of art or spirituality which have until now been unexplored by you. Mercury retrograde in your leisure sector may bring past hobbies back into focus.

Expert Tip: Visualize creatively, manifesting dreams while enhancing intuitive abilities.

That was the zodiac signs monthly horoscope. Let us know whether it resonated with you by commenting below!

Your Monthly Spiritual Guidance: July 2024. Channelled Messages For The 12 Zodiac Signs
Your Monthly Spiritual Guidance: July 2024. Channelled Messages For The 12 Zodiac Signs

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