If we’d work together,
we could ascend to great heights.
Joining our hands,
Climbing the ladder of life together,
Celebrating our differences,
Yet glorifying our similarities.
How good would the world be,
If we could just get along?
What all could we achieve,
If we could just coexist.
Compromises, adjustments,
take you out of predicaments,
shake hands, join hands,
come to an understanding,
rising on joined hands,
the stepladder of friendship,
will take you to the clouds
of success.
Man to man
‘Together We can!’
When we agree to agree
in all agreements and disagreements
We built a ladder to the
seventh sea of clouds together.
Defeat becomes a farcical fact.
Treaty of alliance,
brings together
people and nations,
building the stairway
of connectivity to
peace and prosperity!
The haziness caused by the distrust
can only be gone
if we decide to climb over
our egos and get together.
For together we stand tall
United we stand,
divided we fall.
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