How To Be Less Indecisive: 24 Tips For Confident Decision Making



Have you ever found yourself caught in an unending loop of indecisiveness? It can be paralyzing when you feel unable to make choices and this can cause you to become irritable and stuck. But don’t worry! Today we are going to explore how to be less indecisive.

Let us dive deep into exploring indecisiveness, what causes a person to be indecisive and how to stop being indecisive. So if you want to improve your decision-making process and lead a more confident and proactive life, continue reading!

What is Indecisiveness?

Before we explore the solutions, let’s find out what indecisiveness means. 

Indecisiveness is when someone cannot come up with a decision often leading to long periods when they are unsure and doubtful. 

how to be less indecisive

It could be something as simple as what clothes to wear for a particular occasion, what food to eat for breakfast or something more important, like career choices or relationships.

Related: What Is Decision Fatigue? 6 Signs It’s Shutting Down Your Brain

What Causes a Person to be Indecisive?

Understanding the root causes behind indecisiveness can help us figure out how to be less indecisive. Some common factors contributing to indecisiveness include:

1. Fear of Making the Wrong Choice

This fear of making mistakes or regretting decisions can actually paralyze indecisive people causing them not to be able to decide on things. Everyone only wants positive results but this fear hampers our progress.

2. Overthinking and Analysis Paralysis

For some people trying to find perfection within available options or contemplating every possible scenario becomes too much. 

We end up stuck in a never-ending loop where we cannot make any decisions at all due to analysis paralysis. This is what causes a person to be indecisive.

3. Lack of Self-Confidence

Decision-making becomes hard when we do not have faith in our own judgment and abilities. In turn, doubting ourselves makes us want others’ approval thereby prolonging indecisiveness even further.

4. Fear of Change

Decisions often mean entering unknown territory or embracing new things. However fear might stop one from taking necessary action even if we know deep inside that making a choice is necessary.

Related: The (Dys)Functionality of Emotions in Human Decision-Making

how to be less indecisive

How To Be Less Indecisive

Having known what indecisiveness is all about and what causes a person to be indecisive, let’s now see how to stop being indecisive:

1. Clarify Your Values and Priorities

A strong basis for making decisions lies in understanding your values and priorities. Think about what means most to you then base your choices on that. In this way, indecisive people will be able to make decisions that reflect who they truly are.

2. Set Decision-Making Deadlines

Being indecisive could easily take up a lot of your time and energy. To avoid wasting time on making the right decisions, set deadlines for yourself. When you have fixed deadlines, it will make you be proactive in your thinking and reduce stress.

3. Embrace Imperfection

It is nearly impossible to make the perfect decision. By embracing imperfection, you will be able to overcome the fear that comes with making mistakes. 

Even if things don’t go as planned, accept the fact that decisions are learning opportunities which lead to personal development. This is vital for knowing how to stop being indecisive.

4. Break It Down

If faced with complicated choices, break them down into smaller steps which can be easily handled one at a time. Focus on one part at a time while progressing, learning and gradually moving forward. 

This way, the overwhelming feeling will disappear and you will be able to make better, informed choices.

5. Rely on Your Gut

Intuition is a crucial tool in overcoming indecisiveness. Most of us often ignore intuition, despite it being a powerful tool. Learn how to tap into these instincts within yourself and pay attention when they respond with intuitive answers. 

Your unconscious mind might provide helpful hints leading towards right choices. This is how to be less indecisive.

6. Hone Decision-Making Skills

Like any other skill, decision-making improves over time through frequent use. Gradually start making small decisions more confidently as you build your self-esteem; eventually feeling comfortable with the process thanks to experience gained along the way.

7. Find Help and Get Feedback

It is always a good idea to seek advice from close friends, family members or mentors whom you can trust with important decisions. Always remember that the ultimate decision lies in your hands though. 

Use feedback as a way of gathering facts but never allow it to take precedence over your own judgment.

8. Conquer Fear and Embrace Change

Do not let fear hold you back from making mistakes and overcoming indecisiveness. Just admit being afraid while still choosing what is best for yourself. In order to grow, indecisive people need to be prepared for changes because they bring new situations along one’s path.

Related: How Heuristics And Biases Influence Decision-Making

9. Practice Mindfulness and Self-Reflection

Do some mindfulness activities like writing journals or meditating in order to build self-awareness. Clarity arises when thoughts and feelings are observed without making assumptions about their connection with one’s deepest desires or motives.

10. Recognize the Ramifications of Indecision

Understand how indecisiveness affects your life negatively. This results in missed chances, rising tension levels, lack of advancements among others. Knowing the importance of taking action helps overcome indecisiveness.

11. Practice Self-Compassion

Go easy on yourself when deciding on something when learning how to stop being indecisive. Remember nobody is always perfect at decision-making all the time. 

Offer yourself love as well as forgiveness that leaves room for growth by learning from both good and bad choices alike.

12. Narrow Down Possibilities

With too many options, it becomes difficult for one to decide what they truly want, leading to confusion. Cut them down to a manageable number by only considering those things that are in line with your principles and priorities. 

This makes decision-making less daunting due to narrowing everything down into one specific area. This is an excellent strategy on how to be less indecisive.

how to be less indecisive

13. Visualize the Future

Just think about what could really happen if you opted for any of these alternatives. Reflect on how each choice can impact your life now and in the future. This activity may enable you to get insights that will help make better decisions.

14. Take Calculated Risks

Mostly, being undecided results from fear of taking risks. Begin by taking small everyday risks to build up your risk tolerance. 

One way of achieving this is through trying out new stuff, exploring fresh hobbies or starting conversations with strangers. It gets easier dealing with unknowns and overcoming indecisiveness when you embrace small risks.

15. Learn From Past Decisions

Look back on past choices and evaluate their outcomes. Try finding commonalities or patterns which could explain why some were successful while others failed miserably. 

By analyzing yourself, it sharpens your judgment and avoids repeating mistakes made previously.

Related: What Causes Analysis Paralysis? 7 Factors That Keep You From Making Decisions

16. Limit information gathering

Information is vital when making decisions; however, it should be noted that sometimes too much of it can lead to analysis paralysis. 

Identify the key data needed in order to make your choice and decide on how long you would research it. Otherwise you might end up with information overload, causing delays in taking timely actions.

17. Be open to change

Understand that at times choices are not final ones; they may be altered later due to new factors or conditions. Embracing flexibility allows you to adapt and make changes when necessary, reducing the pressure of making the “perfect” decision all the time.

18. Focus on now

Often indecision comes from being afraid about future consequences, therefore, being mindful will allow indecisive people to remain present. This can enable them to make choices based on current situations rather than being overwhelmed by what might occur in future.

19. Celebrate your choices

 If you want to know how to be less indecisive, then start celebrating the choices you already made. Regardless of their outcomes, honor your decisions. 

By recognizing the effort and fear involved in deciding on something, one can develop a positive attitude towards decision making. 

This positive reinforcement boosts self-esteem while minimizing chances of future indecisiveness simultaneously.

20. Seek professional help if necessary

If you find yourself unable to choose anything which impacts your daily routine, consider seeing a therapist or counselor. They can help you understand why this is happening and provide suggestions for dealing with it as well as additional strategies against indecisiveness.

21. Use the 10-10-10 rule

When faced with a decision, think about how each alternative will affect you within 10 minutes, 10 months and 10 years respectively. 

For instance -How would I feel about it after ten minutes? What emotions will arise after ten months? How will I see it after a decade has passed? 

Such a perspective may bring about the needed clarity and help one establish priorities that are truly important in life.

22. Take action to gain clarity

Sometimes not knowing what to do is due to lack of information or experience rather than anything else. Instead of continuing to contemplate on it, select one option and act upon it so that you might have firsthand knowledge of what happens when you choose one side over another. 

Therefore, through active involvement during the decision making process, some insights would be acquired, paving the way towards final choices.

Related: The Art of Making Good Decisions: 7 Tips

23. Embrace a Growth Mindset

Think about decision-making as a skill that can always be improved by practice over time. Embrace challenges and view indecisiveness as an opportunity for growth and self-improvement.

Focus on the process instead of fixating on the final result so that lessons learned along the way can facilitate adjustment in later stages.

24. Prioritize Self-Care

One way to overcome indecision is taking care of yourself. Make sure you are physically, emotionally and mentally well. 

Do activities that make you feel relaxed such as exercising or meditating so that you can clear your mind from overthinking. Self-care leads to having a clear mind which aids in easy and confident decision making.

how to be less indecisive

We must remember that overcoming indecisiveness is like a journey where one has to practice and exercise enough patience. With these strategies, you will be able to develop your decision-making skills while cultivating a more decisive approach towards life. 

You should also celebrate the progress you make and recognize the strength that comes from taking control of your own actions. This is how to be less indecisive.


Being uncertain might prevent you from growing as a person and succeeding. Nonetheless, understanding its reasons and applying practical advice will help you beat it and make your decisions with more confidence.

We make life meaningful by making choices that turn nothing into a series of significant experiences. Therefore, embrace decision-making as a powerful tool for self-discovery, growth and fulfillment.

Now is the time to be less indecisive and seize the opportunities that await you!

Related: 7 Strategies For Smarter Decision-Making, According to Science

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

How can I stop being indecisive?

Overcome hesitation by setting clear priorities, evaluating options, trusting your instincts and embracing the learning process in decision-making.

What makes a person indecisive?

Indecision may be caused by fear of making the wrong choice, perfectionism, lack of information, and low self-esteem.

Is indecision a symptom of anxiety?

Indecision could be a sign of anxiety caused by overthinking, fear of consequences or an overwhelming sense of uncertainty.

indecisive people

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