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Selected Wisepicks (Captions)
We have selected 18 comments (captions) as Wise picks from our Facebook Page, Facebook Group and Youtube as on 28 October 2021.
Sherry Greene
The key to healing
begins with healing
the child within you.
Dipanweeta Das
Unlock the locked
fear and trepidation
of the child
with the right key.
Rational Akrofi Akuffo
Allow your children to explore.
In so doing they find
the right keys to unlock
and take advantage of
opportunities before them
Rinku Shah
Eyes are the windows
to the world,
Unlock them to see
what it beholds.
Imelda Correa
In your hand,
lies the perfect key
to unlock your courage
and confidence to face
the reality of life.
Pauline Ebijimi
A child’s life is filled
with mysteries.
It’s the duty of
every parent to unlock
and explore their mind
thereby guiding them
on the right path.
Araliza Arias
Between the fear
and the conscience,
the innocence of
our individuality plays
hide and seek with
the keys that open
the nakedness of our spirit.
Sangeetha Kishore
Select the right key
to open the
closed hands of
the future sight.
Palak Trivedi
The key to the
creative vision
of your child is
how you show him
the perspective
of the world.
Sage Lee
Locked to our ancestry,
until we realize that the
keys to our potential are
abundant and within reach.
Ofelia Borbon
Unlock that hands
that scare you
as there is a power
pushing behind you.
Oak Grove Centre
The key to you
is through you.
Niranjana Shankar
All the keys of the world
will fail to open your eyes
when you are blind by choice.
Bhawna Himatsinghani
Don’t blind your eyes
to the upcoming fear.
Trace it and face it,
only you have the power
either to bear or tear it apart.
Toni Parker
Unable to master
my light as a child.
Every key they piled on
did nothing.
I learned to use my light
by looking inward by myself.
Kufre Panther Stephens
Train your child
to unlock his
hidden potentials
by teaching him
to face his fears.
Kavita Anand Yelgeti
Brightly encouraging children
behind their backs to recognize
their potential will help them
find the key to the right path
out of numerous doubts and
overcome their enfeeblement.
Lou Angelique Heruela
Unlock your child’s potential
by allowing him to explore.
Let him find the right keys
that match opportunity’s door.
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