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Selected Wisepicks (Captions)
We have selected 31 comments (captions) as Wise picks from our Facebook Page, Facebook Group, You tube, Instagram and Linked in as on 27 May 2021.
Urvi Mehta Kadakia
Overthinking leads you
into a quicksand of anxiety.
Lou Angelique Heruela
Don’t dwell on your
dark thoughts.
While the sun still shines,
no hope is lost.
Dipanweeta Das
The cloud of anxiety
should not imbalance our
wellbeing and positivity.
Roccio Saldaña
Refuse to submerge yourself
in a state of loneliness;
that will only take you into
a dark well of nothingness.
Rose George
The cloud of anxiety
will fill you with darkness.
Positive thoughts will
remove your fears and will
give you peace of mind.
Araliza Arias
Thinking of gray clouds
leads you to collapse
on the ground,
have the courage,
paint your area
green or orange.
Martin Joe McCormack
If negative thoughts
are what you think,
then into a pool of
despair you will sink….
O Frangou Palmer
Make your surroundings
a place for growth.
Choosing your thoughts
shapes your feelings.
Amrita Mallik
Darkness around
is limited to
your permission.
Deepa Bansal Goyal
Dwelling into a puddle
of your own thoughts,
drowns you gradually
to more complexities…
Umayal Subramaniam
Your thoughts has the
ability to pull you down
or to make you fly.
Keep them in check.
Sherilyn Campbell
It starts with one
negative thought
and before long
you are sitting
in your darkness.
Kelley Higgins
Stuck In a puddle
of my own thoughts.
Amb Maid Čorbić
Trinket in our head
makes irregular things,
and mistakes come
into one dimension
to another.
Lopamudra Mallick
Every life has a secret scar.
So do you.
Let go and move on.
Unmoor yourself and
show the world that
you are unstoppable.
Efflin Fernandes
Never let a small
cloud of fear cast
a big shadow
on your happiness.
Anjana Prasad
Don’t sit alone
wading through time.
Burn anxiety and doubts
for peace of mind.
Harshita Udani
Anxiety and overthinking
engulf you in themselves.
Archana Gupta
Come out of the mess
that you have created
around yourself,
it’s you alone who
has to work on it!
Er Sunita Sahoo
Tangled in a cobweb
of delusion, buried in
cold seclusion.
Waiting to be
resurrected from
murky shadows of past!
Kufre Panther Stephens
Negative thoughts
have the power to
consume and drown
you into oblivion.
Prerna Goklani
Don’t let negative
thoughts drown you,
it’s just a puddle
to jump out!
Kamlesh Bhasin
Gather your strength
before you become a
victim of conscious sickness.
Life is full of
lows and highs,
from floating on
cloud nine to
ground zero.
Weather it’s vagaries.
Tee Jay
My thoughts led me
this far to lesson
my stresses…..
A quick look back….
To never look back.
D a n a hh
Toxic thinking can keep
you stuck in the
quicksand of negativity.
Free your mind and
change your life by
learning to think differently.
Anjali choudhary
The more you wanna
get rid of your dark past…
The more you know that
your shadow self carries the
utmost pain of sorrows n grief.
Don’t allow yourself
to get lost in the
dark shadow of
your apprehensions.
Mercinel Gonda
Overthinking is a quicksand.
The deeper one sinks,
the harder it is to get out.
Sri Harshini Devi
Polluted thoughts
are the biggest reason
for self-drowning.
Niranjana Shankar
The darkness on which
you are laying
is a bed of your
own making.
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