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Selected Wisepicks (Captions)
We have selected 23 comments (captions) as Wise picks from our Facebook Page, Facebook Group and Youtube as on 21 August 2021.
Palak Trivedi
An active mind is a sign
of a healthy body and soul.
Roccio Saldaña
If you wish to be mentally
and physically strong,
always be in motion
exercising as a whole.
Noor Afshan
To overcome
frequent burnouts,
mind too needs daily,
healthy workouts!
Matthew Diengdoh
Never refrain from
daily exercising your brain;
For there’s nothing to lose,
but always something to gain.
Rational Akrofi Akuffo
Positive ideas flow
through an active mind.
It starts with consistent
exercising of the mind for
mental health and wellbeing.
Araliza Arias
Keep your brain healthy
in active motion,
so you can control your
thoughts and emotions.
Anjana Surendran
Train your brain to
remain as a domain
all through the strain.
Arijita Sen
Take care of your mental health.
Be active, stay positive,
be creative enough to
boost up your productivity.
CA Pooja Kabra
Exercises recharge the brain.
Physical or mental,
both types of exercises
are invisible batteries
that activate the nerves.
Dipanweeta Das
Train the brain to
be healthy and wise
skipping away
stress and strain.
Suman Singh
Exercise your brain to
excel in your duties.
Anamika Agarwal
To attain the peace of mind,
exercising your brain is must.
Helene B. Leanos
The mind like the body
needs a constant workout
to function at its best.
Shambhavi M R
The brain is an organ
that works round the clock,
take good care of it
for overall well-being.
Niranjana Shankar
Train your brain,
to face any mental strain.
Just as you train your body,
to cope with physical strain.
Shraddha Jhanwar
Keep your mind active
with the rope of your
creativity and enthusiasm!
Anju Gilotra
Brain training will help
you build up your
mental reserves
which begin to wane
eventually with age.
Sudipta Mishra
Let the brain split
and skip the odd things
to dispel the
cognitive impairment…
Arabella Shane Yakit
Work on your mind daily
to become mentally healthy.
Lou Angelique Heruela
Take care of your
mental health,
for that is where you
will find true wealth.
It always pays to
be sharp and wise,
so give your brain
its proper exercise.
Sandy Gaidola
Put your mind to it, go for it,
you gotta break a sweat.
Monica Mey
Exercise your mind by
conditioning your brain daily.
Liisa Hope
Paying attention to your
mental health is wise.
So treat your brain
to regular exercise.
Be kind and strengthen
your mind to overcome
the challenges you may face
you need to be in a good,
stable mental place.
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