Caption This Image and Selected Wisepicks – 18 November 2020


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Selected Wisepicks

We have selected 32 comments as Wisepicks from our Facebook PageFacebook GroupYou tube and Instagram as on 20 November 2020.

Caption This 18 November 2020

Rinku Shah

So many masks I wore each day,
Lost myself in this way.

Caption This 18 November 2020

Corrina Maurer Tercero

We all have a private side, a public side, and a secret side.

Caption This 18 November 2020

Debra Pry

Whatever mask I choose, it really all depends on you.

Caption This 18 November 2020

Love Stars

I face this world with many masks,
afraid to show my broken self,
I’ll never show you who I am I fear to ever bare it.

Caption This 18 November 2020

Shilpika Bagh

I may carry multiple “facets” of my personality; only those who care get to know the “reality”.

Caption This 18 November 2020

Eric Paul Casey

We have three faces.
One we show to the world.
One we show to family and friends and one we never show anyone.

Caption This 18 November 2020

Sulekha Pande

Lost in myself,
Trying to find,
The real me……

Caption This 18 November 2020

Jay Cee Camacho

I wear many different faces yet they are all me.How I am treated decides on which one you will see.

Caption This 18 November 2020

Poojarani Maharana

Pretending is an art
To hide the past.
This face has many masks
Haunted by that twinkling stars
And behind the mask it’s pitch dark.

Caption This 18 November 2020

Felicia Renteria-Holmes

If you try to fit in everywhere you go,no one will ever know the real you.

Caption This 18 November 2020

Lydia Lawrence

In which direction does my focus lie? Who I was, who I am, or who I am becoming.

Caption This 18 November 2020

Amor Lovely Dimacali

It is not only about two-sided people,
Because there is always three sides of a story,
Yours, Theirs, and the Truth…
Behind our Mask.

Caption This 18 November 2020

Barbara Bishop

Past – Present – Future ! Where do I choose to reside???

Caption This 18 November 2020

Lisa Dutkiewicz

There are three different masks that she wears, depending on her mood. Happy, sad or mad.

Caption This 18 November 2020

Ravindranath Shivaram

Beware of a person, with a camouflaged behaviour………You will be devoured, even if your intention was to be that person’s saviour……….

Caption This 18 November 2020

Elsabe Bosch-Brits

Empaths who always wants to please a narcissist will end up with so many fake masks that their unique self is lost to them and the world.

Caption This 18 November 2020

Sakina Bohari

Like a pendulum the mood swings. Either it is extremely happy or extremely irritable difficult to find an equilibrium.

Caption This 18 November 2020

Lou Angelique

Behind your masks,
you may feel strong,
acting like there’s nothing wrong,
but at the end of the day when you’re all alone,
you finally find freedom with every mask gone.

Caption This 18 November 2020

Endless Eager

They take you for a hypocrite, wearing multiple masks, displaying various personalities. Little they know, how lost you are in your own confusion.

Caption This 18 November 2020

Nida Khwaja

Trying to be what you are not will invite discomfort a lot !

Caption This 18 November 2020

Kelly Mackey

There Is Jeckyl, Hyde and Your True Inner Side.

Caption This 18 November 2020

Anji Babu Vanka

It’s easy to mould in situational masquerades
but the soul gets tired of multi façades.

Caption This 18 November 2020

James O Akpos

Different faces to hide the untold stories pains, of depression, rejection. Still surviving.

Caption This 18 November 2020

Rose George

Unmask yourself and don’t hide from reality for it is okay
To show your emotions and be
True to yourself

Caption This 18 November 2020

Sunu Boben

Be real to yourself,
Masking yourself will breach your real identity making your self a victim.

Caption This 18 November 2020

in lak’ech ala k’in

We have visages within the visage in an age of faceless images.

Caption This 18 November 2020

A MiNi Sparkling

She masters every role with ace, she is the fire within and a multifaceted talent for the world that’s demanding!

Caption This 18 November 2020

Priyanka Sinha Srivastava

Keep your eyes on all the sides, while your focus on your aim!

Caption This 18 November 2020


The world didn’t see me as one,
They saw me as an amalgamation
Of a whole bunch of different beings in one.

Caption This 18 November 2020

Carla Herrera

Depersonalization: the quiet monster that takes us away from reality.

Caption This 18 November 2020


The Id, Ego & Super Ego … a triple threat.

Caption This 18 November 2020

N Browny

Don’t lose your identity trying to be the person that everyone wants you to unveil the mask and be yourself

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