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Selected Wisepicks
We have selected 27 comments as Wisepicks from our Facebook Page, Facebook Group, You tube, Instagram and Linkedin as on 18 January 2021.
Lou Angelique
Not everyone deserves a piece of your mind.
Your thoughts are yours alone to unwind.
So free yourself from those meddling hands.
Your mind is made only for you to command.
Roccio Saldaña
In a world where everybody wants a piece of you, be strong enough to pull through and be just you.
Kirthana Shenoy Mahale
If you let unknown hands invade your mind, you’d be left with nothing but, commotion and frustrations.
Maesha Holton
When you constantly allow others to pick your brain, it can be mentally exhausting.
Monica Sharma
Letting people play with your mind robs you from mental peace.
Lynn Patricia
With all the pulling in different directions of your emotions, be sure to take time to pull yourself back together.
Sheena Gupta
Too many people pulling her strings,
Only anxiety and pain, it brings.
Ash Renee
The dangers of letting others control your mind: loss of soul and self.
Maureen Heppner
Do not allow outsiders to manipulate your mind.
Wayne Kelley
Don’t allow everyone to pick through your mind, be selective on who you share your thoughts with.
Corrina Maurer Tercero
Sometimes we need a helping-hand to unbind our minds.
Sheela P M
Extend your hands
to help and heal
a troubled mind.
Sherry Greene
People pulling your mind in different directions will certainly leave you frozen in fear and frustration.
Hema Mordani
External aspects cannot disturb your peace of mind if you are at peace with yourself.
Nirana Nene Hishmeh
Beware of the Takers…they have no limits.
Akanksha Agrawal
Be enough strong internally, that no harsh impact will be upon you of others externally.
Kelly Mackey
Psychologically Manipulated By The Hands Of Others.
Maria Corazon
So many people
Pulling me in so many different directions.
Rinku Shah
Too many people picking at your brain,
Will only cause it to drain.
Andrea Keener
It’s exhausting when my thoughts are held captive by so many others.
Tamy Bailey
Trying to cut mental attachment.
Katie Burke
Trying to manipulate my thoughts…
“We must control every force, other wise we will be forced into control”.
AnnyCole Petersen
Don’t allow others to fiddle with your mindset.
A vulnerable mind is an easy target for manipulation.
Madhavi Bottu
Dont let others pull the strings of your thoughts. Be your OWN self in everyway.
Rebekah Win
When others are pulling the string in your life.
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