Caption This Image and Selected Wisepicks – 12 November 2021

Ann Fulleros I wont mind losing myself featured 1

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Selected Wisepicks (Captions)

We have selected 18 comments (captions) as Wise picks from our Facebook PageFacebook Group as on 14 November 2021.

Ann Fulleros I wont mind losing myself

Ann Fulleros

I won’t mind losing myself
protecting the people
I cared for and loved.

Araliza Arias If I am going to explode

Araliza Arias

If I am going to explode
and my world is ending,
I want to walk by you all
with my fuse lit
until I can no more,
but knowing that you are
safe and protected.

Efflin Fernandes Life with a toxic family member

Efflin Fernandes

Life with a toxic family member
can leave you gasping for breath.
It not only pollutes the environment
of the home but also leaves
the members scarred for Life.

Navroop Sarao Father is a beacon of light

Navroop Sarao

Father is a beacon of light.
Through thick and thin stands tall.
Picks you up if you fall.
No matter what gives it all.

Vinita Singh A person whose foundation is hatred

Vinita Singh

A person whose foundation
is hatred and virulent
would prove lethal
even to his own family.

Kufre Panther Stephens A wise father sacrifices a lot

Kufre Panther Stephens

A wise father
sacrifices a lot
for the protection
of his family,
even though
he explodes
in the process.

Suman Singh Beware being head of the family

Suman Singh

being head of the family
doesn’t mean being
hazardous to loved ones.

Matthew Diengdoh A father will sacrifice himself

Matthew Diengdoh

A father will sacrifice himself
for the safety of his family.

Sangeetha Kamath Prabhu Family and loved ones above all

Sangeetha Kamath Prabhu

Family and loved ones
above all.
Even if I have
to take a fall.

Felicia Renteria Holmes A father guides his family to safety

Felicia Renteria-Holmes

A father guides
his family to safety,
even when he
remains vulnerable.

Ofelia Borbon A father is a father

Ofelia Borbon

A father is a father…
He will protect his family
even if he is on
the verge of danger.

Jyotsna Nautiyal Fathers are the most underrated persons

Jyotsna Nautiyal

Fathers are the most
underrated persons
though he remains
in the background
while rearing his family.
His sacrifices are
unconditional and

Lisa Dutkiewicz Dont have a short fuse that will explode

Lisa Dutkiewicz

Don’t have a short fuse
that will explode your toxicity
all over your family.
Your family should be
able to breathe freely
while they are around you.

Shambhavi M R Overprotecting family at the cost of self negligence

Shambhavi M R

Overprotecting family
at the cost of self negligence
is equal damage to
your loved ones…

Sunni Scheller Keep your head on your shoulder

Sunni Scheller

Keep your head on your shoulder
during times of dangerous situations,
or your disconcerting carelessness
will cause harm to those you love
also don’t lose your head
over unfamiliar situations and we can
survive the toxic world around us.

Dorota Sibiga When something pops and the penny drops

Dorota Sibiga

When something pops
and the penny drops
It becomes very clear
that you’re all in fear.
Bring up your children alone.
Because it’s better than being
with a ticking time bomb…..

Niranjana Shankar When toxicity at home

Niranjana Shankar

When toxicity at home
becomes a norm.
Nothing will ever,
undo the harm.

Pooja Sharda Sometimes the person beating the sacrifice

Pooja Sharda

Sometimes the person
beating the sacrifice and pain
is the only one suffering
to make their loved one’s life
comfortable and full of smiles.

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