The Zodiac Signs In A Zombie Apocalypse— Will You Survive Or Be Zombified?


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Just imagine the zodiac signs in a zombie apocalypse, what will you do? Outwit the undead and survive the purge, or will you end up among the ranks of the dead? Find your survival chance now!

If the world is overrun by zombies, and you have nothing but your zodiac traits, what will be your fate?

It doesn’t matter if you’re a bold Aries, cautious Virgo, or dreamy Pisces, come along with us as we mix some astrological knowledge into an apocalyptic game about zombies!

zodiac signs in a zombie apocalypse

Are you excited to see which zodiac sign would survive a zombie apocalypse?

Read more here: Are You Prepared For A Zombie Apocalypse? Reasons You Should Be Ready To Fight Zombies

12 Zodiac Signs In A Zombie Apocalypse—Would You Survive?

1. Aries (March 21–April 19)

Aries, you know how to take charge. To survive a zombie apocalypse, this can be the most valuable quality to have. You never hesitate to throw yourself into danger with any weapon on hand.

Your courage might get you into bad situations at times, but your resourcefulness and tenacity will keep you alive.

2. Taurus (April 20–May 20)

Taurus, patience has always been your strong suit. Rather than rushing in blindly like others tend to do, you take the time to think through each move carefully.

You stay calm when everyone else is panicking and use your strength as well as stubbornness to outlast hordes of zombies alone if need be. Besides, being a food lover ensures that there should always be some snacks hidden away for emergencies.

3. Gemini (May 21–June 20)

When dealing with zodiac signs in a zombie apocalypse, if there’s one thing people can count on, it’s seeing your face everywhere they go, because nobody can talk their way out of trouble quite like you can.

The ability to fit in with any group, even those zombies, offers survivors hope that perhaps one day everything will get back to normal.

4. Cancer (June 21–July 22)

Wondering which zodiac sign would survive a zombie apocalypse? Well, you might not but your Cancer traits make you fiercely loyal. You would do anything for your loved ones.

You’re a great protector against zombie threats, and you make a perfect leader for group survival during apocalypses!

5. Leo (July 23 – August 22)

When talking about zodiac signs in a zombie apocalypse, you’re bold, charismatic, and a bit dramatic—you’re the star! You remain confident amidst the chaos, rallying survivors with inspiring speeches.

Just watch out that your ego does not get in the way of things—zombies do not give a damn about how many Instagram followers you have!

6. Virgo (August 23–September 22)

Your most valuable skills are your careful planning and attention to detail. You have got a backup plan for every possible scenario and have your supplies prepared with military expertise. You may need to improvise at times, so try not to worry too much about perfection!

7. Libra (September 23–October 22)

Libra, you are the group’s peacemaker. You are excellent at mediating disputes and keeping unity among the group. However, there will be times when tough choices must be made, such as choosing to abandon a person who has been bitten by a zombie. Even if it hurts, you have to make the call for the group’s safety.

8. Scorpio (October 23–November 21)

When it comes to zodiac signs in a zombie apocalypse, your intensity and determination make you a formidable opponent for those creatures. 

You’re not afraid to get your hands dirty and take down zombies with ruthless efficiency. Just don’t hold grudges – forgiveness might save your life one day in this fight for survival.

9. Sagittarius (November 22–December 21)

If you’re still wondering which zodiac sign would survive a zombie apocalypse, then you should know that you are a natural-born survivor due to your adventurous nature. 

You are out in the wild, collecting supplies and looking for new friends, while others are shut up in their safe zones. Even in the darkest of times, your optimism keeps you safe. Just be careful not to stray too far—you never know what terrifying zombie-infested places may be lurking.

10. Capricorn (December 22–January 19)

Your ambition and determination see you through the zombie apocalypse; when people are calling it quits, you’re scaling buildings or mountains in search of safety.

You know how to scavenge supplies and fortify your shelter, just don’t forget to rest every once in awhile and enjoy the strange view of zombies below.

11. Aquarius (January 20–February 18)

Aquarius, your resourcefulness knows no bounds. While others may be stuck in their ways, you’re out there inventing new gadgets to help you survive this thing. Y

You can also try helping others by giving them clean water or building shelters for them; however, remember not to get too caught up with ideas because there are still zombies around.

12. Pisces (February 19–March 20)

Do not underestimate your survival instincts, Pisces. Your creative imagination and dreamy personality may appear out of place in the apocalyptic world. When life becomes too difficult, you frequently withdraw into your imaginary worlds. 

Convinced that they can teach you how to dance the thriller, you attempt to make friends with a bunch of zombies. Sadly, dead people seem to like their brains uncooked.

Read more here: Top Zombie Movies On Netflix You Must Watch: Brace for the Undead

So, there you have it—the 12 zodiac signs in a zombie apocalypse. Tell us your fate in the comments below!

zodiac signs in a zombie apocalypse

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