Who Run The World? Girls: 11 Most Successful Women In The World


If you’re in your 20s or 30s and still feel like a failure in life, let these 11 of the most successful women in the world be your boost of inspiration. In their early 20s, some of the most remarkable women of our time were also struggling just like you. But now look at them! They’re running the world.

According to research, the majority (57%) of people tend to lose all hope in landing their dream jobs at the average age of 30. However, there are successful women out there who did not let go. They still managed to do great things by becoming powerful people who became successful later in life.

Formerly, some of the most successful women in the world had problems starting off their respective careers. They would not give up whatever challenges they faced, hence inspiring us all.

At The Minds Journal, we’d love to remind you of a few success stories concerning women who show that age is just a number. Let’s take a look at some of the most successful women in the world.

11 Most Successful Women In The World Who Shattered Age Barriers

1. Betty White

most successful women in the world

Betty White did eventually climb to heights of fame through her appearances as Sue Ann Nivens on “The Mary Tyler Moore Show” and Rose Nyland on “Golden Girls,” culminating in a cultural sensation later in her life and continues to be celebrated posthumously. She got her first Emmy nomination at the age of 29. A legend of Hollywood, she became one of the iconic people who became successful late in life.

2. Martha Stewart

most successful women in the world

When it comes to culinary TV, there’s one name of successful women that’s still eminent – Martha Stewart. It wasn’t until Martha Stewart turned 40 that she developed an empire. She has proved that there is still hope for becoming the queen of lifestyle and homemaking.

3. J.K. Rowling

most successful women in the world

Long before she became one of the world’s richest writers with Harry Potter, Rowling was another thirty-something single mother who faced publisher refusals over and over again. And now Harry Potter registers her as one of the most successful women in the world and academia.

4. Vera Wang

most successful women in the world

Vera Wang’s bridal gowns are exquisite, we all have heart eyes for those. But did you know she began her own brand at 40 years old? She started her career in fashion editing and achieved global success not until she was way past her 20s which is very inspiring.

5. Oprah Winfrey

most successful women in the world

Oprah Winfrey’s status as a household name came in her 30s with “The Oprah Winfrey Show”, which was ranked among the highest-rated talk shows ever. Not much is needed to say about Oprah, her existence inspires countless women and youngsters.

6. Julia Child

most successful women in the world

Julia Child never learned how to cook till she got to her thirties. But then she went on to shape American cuisine with her popular cookbook and television shows. It’s never too late, isn’t it?

7. Kathryn Bigelow

most successful women in the world

Of all the people who became successful later in life, Kathryn Bigelow is worth mentioning. She didn’t become famous until she was in her fifties after movies like “Zero Dark Thirty” and “The Hurt Locker,” after which she won the first Best Director Female Academy Award.

8. Anna Wintour

most successful women in the world

The legendary Anna Wintour only achieved greatness when she entered into a 40-year-old fashion industry editorship at Vogue magazine creating a reputation for herself due to her magnificent visual style.

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9. Vivienne Westwood

most successful women in the world

Vivienne Westwood did not make it onto the international scene as a designer until middle age when she already had worked for forty-plus years, making herself known for punk-inspired designs and braveness.

10. Jane Austen

jane austen most successful women in the world

Jane Austen, at seventeen, embarked on writing with only limited success until she published Pride and Prejudice (1813) in her late thirties, followed by Sense and Sensibility (1811), which appeared after another two years.

11. Louise Bourgeois

most successful women in the world

Louise Bourgeois is a French-American artist who achieved fame for innovative sculptures and installations made in her seventies proving that age cannot be a limitation to art brilliance.

Happy International Women’s Day. Do any of these most successful women in the world inspire you? Share your thoughts in the comments.

most successful women in the world

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