Devastating Signs Of Emotional Abuse In A Relationship

Signs Of Emotional Abuse In Relationship 1

Devastating Signs of Emotional Abuse in A Relationship โ€“

  1. Says things to upset or frighten you.
  2. Becomes overly and inappropriately jealous of attention from or conversation with others.
  3. Monitors your time and whereabouts
  4. Monitors your telephone calls/texts or email contacts.
  5. Makes decisions that affect both of you or the family without consulting you or reaching an agreement with you.
  6. Controls the finances and how you spend money.
  7. Repeatedly crosses your boundaries and ignores your requests.
  8. Makes subtle threats or negative remarks with the intent to frighten or control you.
  9. Shows complete disregard and disrespect.
  10. Disregards your opinions, ideas, suggestions, or needs.
  11. Makes jokes at your expense.
  12. Uses sarcasm or teasing to put you down or make you feel bad.
  13. Swears at you or calls you names.

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