Ego Vs Love




• The ego believes forgiveness is a sign of weakness (it fears letting go).
• The ego is afraid of love (it fears what it can’t control).
• The ego believes dishonesty is the best strategy (fear of truth).
• The ego believes that intimacy is a trap (fear of transparency).
• The ego believes relationships are about getting needs met (fear of giving).
• The ego is always on the lookout for “BBD” or “bigger, better deals” (fear of happiness).
• The ego keeps a constant score of injustices, hurt, and flaws (fear of compassion).
• The ego is heavily invested in the past (fear of the present).
• The ego constantly seeks unearned advantages (fear of hard work).
• The ego treats sex as a sport, and the number of partners determines the score (fear of intimacy).


• Love will be the first to forgive.
• Love is kind because kindness given away just keeps coming back.
• Love is patient, because love is forever, and forever is a constant state.
• Love gives all and therefore receives all.
• Love is compassionate because it accepts human beings as they are.
• Love is fearless because it knows its own power.
• Love is willing because nothing is impossible to a willing heart.
• Love is gentle because it extends mercy.
• Love has desires, but makes no demands.
• Love commands, but does not control.
• Love is found in the mind, not in the body.
• Love lives in the NOW, because the present is eternal.
• Love hides nothing because it has nothing to hide.
• Love never fails, because it never competes.
• Love wins because it alone is real.

– Suzie Johnson, CPC

Suzie Johnson Quotes, Relationship Quotes, broken relationship quotes, new relationship quotes, trust relationship quotes, deep relationship quotes, quotes about relationship, ego relationship quotes

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