Emoji Quiz: Determine the Value of Smiling Face Emojis in 15 Seconds! Can You?


Let’s play an emoji quiz to determine the worth of those smiling faces. If you can identify their values within 15 seconds, your IQ is higher than the most!

Take this IQ test and find out how intelligent you really are! You’ll see that it’s all about evaluating problems and using analytical and logical reasoning to solve the high IQ quiz correctly. Just give it a try; there is no harm in that.

Are you eager and prepared to engage in some problem-solving?

Read more here: Numbers Optical Illusion: Can You Find the Hidden Impostor Number Among 2222s?

Brain Teaser for Testing Your IQ: Can You Count The Value of Smiling Face Emojis?

emoji quiz

In the image below, you’re given a task to solve. Your goal is to determine the combined value of the Smiling Face with Heart-Eyes Emoji and the Grinning Face with Smiling Eyes Emoji. You’re provided with the following equations:

Grinning Face with Smiling Eyes Emoji + Grinning Face with Smiling Eyes Emoji = 264

Smiling Face with Sunglasses Emoji: Grinning Face with Smiling Eyes Emoji = 68

Smiling Face with Sunglasses Emoji + Smiling Face with Heart-Eyes Emoji = 300

You’ll need to find out: Smiling Face With Heart-Eyes Emoji + 1 Grinning Face with Smiling Eyes Emoji =?

Let’s dive into tricky maths puzzles with answers! Before moving on to find the answer, take a closer look at the image, as it can be quite deceivingly simple yet still perplexing.

Also, make sure not to scroll down too far, for you’ll see that solutions are right there waiting if you give in to cheating.

Brain teasers give an interesting twist to simple riddles and require some creative thinking before arriving at a solution that won’t be as obvious.

Couldn’t figure out the smiling face emoji’s value within the given time? No worries! The solution is now available and waiting for you right below this line.

Scroll Below To See The Result Of Emoji Quiz

emoji quiz

By breaking down each equation, we can find out the value of each emoji and add them up:

  1. 1 Grinning Face with Smiling Eyes Emoji + 1 Grinning Face with Smiling Eyes Emoji = 264, so 1 Grinning Face Emoji = 132.
  1. In the equation: 1 Smiling Face with Sunglasses Emoji – 1 Grinning Face with Smiling Eyes Emoji = 68, therefore, 1 Smiling Sunglasses Emoji is equal to a total of 200.
  1. Lastly, in the equation: 1 Smiling Face with Sunglasses Emoji + 1 Smiling Face with Heart-Eyes Emoji =300, we find that one Heart-Eyed face is worth exactly one hundred.

Given this information, if you were to combine a heart-eye emoji and a grin, you would get the sum of 100+ 132, which is equal to two hundred thirty-two.

What It Means

  • You’re a star! It only took you 10 seconds to solve this brain teaser; that must be some sort of world record, right? Speedy Gonzalez might want to watch out because there’s a new contender in town!
  • 15 seconds is all it took for you to complete this puzzle. We could’ve been here all day if it weren’t for your quick thinking. So congratulations on saving us from mild frustration.
  • And finally, finishing the puzzle in 20 seconds probably doesn’t feel like an accomplishment, but it really is! You managed to maintain your composure while under pressure. which means success is just around the corner!

We can’t wait for you to spill the beans. Tell us everything. We want every detail of how you came up with your answer and what pushed you there.

The suspense will kill us, so please give us something good or bad. Just tell us already!!

emoji quiz

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