16 People Reveal Gender Double Standards That Drive Them Absolutely Crazy


16 People Reveal Gender Double Standards That Drive Them Absolutely Crazy.

Someone asked on Reddit โ€œWhat is a male/female double standard that really drives you crazy?โ€, belowย are the best responses we found

1. Single parents. Single father? Heโ€™s a hero! Single mother? Sheโ€™s made questionable life choices and is probably easy.


2. This one might be just where I live, but I notice it a lot.

When a guy holds onto his V-Card heโ€™s labeled as incapable of picking up chicks. But if a girl is holding onto it then sheโ€™s praised for it.


3. I was at a wedding recently where a drunk bridesmaid was trying to pick up any single guys she could. She latched on to a coworker and wouldnโ€™t let go. She was literally grabbing his junk and trying to rip off his shirt. I ended up stepping in and reminding her about the finer points of consent (like โ€œno means noโ€).

when I tell the story most people go โ€œlucky guyโ€. Because a guy isnโ€™t allowed to not be interested in having sex with someone? Come on!


4. Once my sister had a pool party at our house when she was 14 or so. I was 12. I was the only boy and still wanted to swim so I hung out with them. All the parents were inside the air conditioning. When I was out of the pool they thought it would be funny to pants me and take my suit. There were like 8 girls so I couldnโ€™t do anything and they held me and laughed up a storm. They kept me that way for what felt like an eternity although it was probably only a few minutes. I ran in to tell my folks, crying that kid cry where you canโ€™t catch your breath. They did nothing. Opened up the sliding glass door and yelled โ€œleave him aloneโ€. That was it.

I think back to that and try to think of an adults reaction if it was 8 of my buddies and we were 14 and we did that to a girl.


5. Girls at club can be very pushy and forward about hooking up with a guy. Other way around itโ€™s borderline sexual assault. This is coming from a girl.


6. When was the last time you saw a man in a yogurt commercial? I like yogurt too, dammit.


7. Iโ€™m a female doctor, and I frequently fly with a few items of medical equipment (stethoscope, otoscope, etc). I put it in its own separate bag/bin, because they always search it. The TSA agent, while searching the bag will ask everyone else in line, โ€œSir, are you a doctor?โ€ before finally turning to me and asking โ€œMiss, are you a nurse?โ€.


8. Opening/holding doors. I open doors for everyone. If Iโ€™m there first, and youโ€™re behind me, Iโ€™m probably going to hold the door for you, IDGAF who you are. No, YOU INSIST? No, I INSIST, walk through the door and quit wasting everyoneโ€™s time. Iโ€™ll just stand here and wait.


9. Iโ€™m getting married in 22 days.

Every (no exceptions) professional involved with putting on our wedding has emailed my fiancรฉe, but not me. Sheโ€™s had to forcibly insert me into the conversations. Even when I am the one who sent the initial email.

The wedding coordinator actually ignored her adding me to the email conversation the first time. She had to add me a second time.

When we talk in person, they attempt to pull her off to the side and discuss the events away from me, since itโ€™ll all be up to her.

Even (some of) our friends have found themselves referring to it as โ€œher big dayโ€ before being glared at and reminded that itโ€™s both of us.

People: I am half of the marriage. My opinions about this wedding matter, even if every bridal show/magazine/whatever ever makes it out that the bride demands solitary control. My fiancรฉe, who has an anxiety disorder and gets extremely upset when she has to deal with too many open-ended questions, does not appreciate you taking me out of the conversation, and neither do I.


Read Why Double Standards Are Toxic AF & How It Can Ruin Your Relationship

10. Iโ€™m a female in my mid/late 20s and have had a boyfriend for about 5 years. The first 1.5 years of the relationship I still lived at home. If I went to my boyfriendโ€™s for the weekend my dad would lose his mind. We wanted to go overnight camping together? Dad couldnโ€™t fathom it. Now my younger brother is in his early/mid 20s with a serious girlfriend. He goes to his girlfriendโ€™s for a week at a time and Dad doesnโ€™t care. Girlfriend hangs out in my brotherโ€™s room with the door closed? Not fazed. My boyfriend and I now own a house together and Iโ€™m still not 100% sure my dad can wrap his mind around us sharing a bedroom. Mom thinks itโ€™s ridiculous and acknowledges the double standard but canโ€™t do much else. eyeroll


11. As a professional: high heels. Menโ€™s shoes look so much more comfortable. High heels are like medieval torture devices, but women have to wear them in certain work contexts.


12. Women get crappy razors because apparently their โ€œskin is too delicateโ€ for legit razors, 99.99% of their fashionable clothing lacks decently sized pockets, high heels are a pain to walk in, and theyโ€™re taught that they wonโ€™t look good without the cosmetics, the latest fashion, that one body shape, etc. etc.

Meanwhile I get good razors, practical stuff to wear, and donโ€™t have to worry about thigh gaps or applying makeup. And no one ever told me I couldnโ€™t wear a t-shirt I bought 3 years ago.

Whoever decided that this was a great ideaโ€ฆ I donโ€™t even know what to say.


13. Weight. Itโ€™s okay to ask a guy what his weight is, but asking a girl is considered rude. Same with age.


14. Therapy or counselling So many outreach programs easily available to woman seeking help from sexual and domestic abuse to mental health. Which is fantastic but doesnโ€™t seem to be as readily available to men. Or just even the social stigma of a man seeing a counselor or therapist.


15. Late night UK TV last night, hunky gym guy comes on, audience (mainly female) erupted into a chorus of

โ€œTop off, Top off, Top off,โ€

Imagine if a primarily male audience had shouted that at a female guest.

It seems humans NEED to objectify the bodies of others, now we canโ€™t do it to ladies men are in the firing line. Manorexia on the rise, itโ€™s no joke.


16. NO SPAGHETTI STRAPS YOUR ARMS ARE SO DISTRACTING. Meanwhile, your male peers are allowed sleeveless jerseys with the arm-holes cut to expose the side of the torso and 2in of boxers sticking out of their pants. Because that isnโ€™t distracting at all. But fuck me and my sexy feminine shoulders, right???*

*Yes, my schoolโ€™s dress code said no sleeveless shirts for ANYONE. However, people wore them anyway. Girls constantly got sent to the office but I only recall one guy ever getting sent out of class to get a more appropriate shirt/get a belt. It was infuriating.


Gender Double Standards Drive Them Absolutely Crazy

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