The subtle dance of life from the chrysalis to the butterfly..
‘Just before the birth of the butterfly’- the cocoon shrinks back.. awaiting a new birth.. just as we might shrink back to become quiet. Taking the time necessary to be born anew requires us to slow down our movement within our physical being-ness so that we can be birthed from one form to another. To grow into.. “us” what a beautiful Art Form. ‘Which begins with slower steps, mindful steps – head down- humbling position- to be birthed anew.. each new birthing begins the same.. ‘delivery downward so that we can appreciate “the upward world we are to live within’ until are next stage of growth appears.. continually being birthed- transformation is an ongoing beautiful story. From our downward birth to our Upward growth.. the cycle will repeat till we have gained understanding to soar with greatness high above the storms of life. Art in Motion.. One moment at a time..
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