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Selected Wisepicks (Captions)
We have selected 20 comments (captions) as Wise picks from our Facebook Page, Facebook Group and Youtube as on 23 October 2021.
Lou Angelique Heruela
Don’t let your
thoughts devour you.
Have faith that you
will make it through.
Za Ba
Don’t allow your thoughts
to bite into your conscience.
Stand by your decisions.
Martha Mandaric
Overthinking can
cloud your thoughts.
Vinita Singh
If you want to be the
best version of yourself,
free your mind
from the prison of
negative thoughts
before they
engulf you the whole.
Imelda Correa
Never allow
negative thoughts
to dwell too much
on your mind;
Wake up before
you get engulfed.
Dipti Chauhan
Save yourself from the
cloud of negative thoughts,
Else you will be
easily get engulfed.
Roccio Saldaña
Stop feeding
your mind with
debilitating negative
thoughts and vibes.
Palak Trivedi
The cloud
of overthinking
may swallow your sanity
and create a
vacuum in your mind.
Integrity Volleyball
Overthinking can be
like a shark,
it eats away
at your mind.
Allowing your mind
the occasional rest
will become
your safety net!
Amrita Mallik
Don’t let the
clouds of self-doubt
gobble you up.
Reena Maria
Anxiety is a cloud
of negative overwhelming
piles of thoughts that
destroy your happiness…
Alicia Scott
Sometimes your
thoughts will
eat you alive.
Sherry Greene
The dark clouds
of depression
can eat you up.
Ask for help, please.
Shilpa Saggi
Sometimes our
own thoughts
gobble up
our peace.
Shambhavi M R
Our blue clouds
eat and fade our
higher cognitive abilities…
Do not allow your
thought process
to pull you down.
Niranjana Shankar
The thoughts
that consume you,
will eventually
control you.
Shahina Praveen
When you are covered
by the cloud of discomfort.
Allow to pour some
shade and rain for growth.
Just remember,
this is not your destiny.
The sky will be clear again
and the sun will
shine even brighter.
Kamlesh Bhasin
Hoovering clouds
of baseless thoughts
consume you and
your precious time….
Pooja Sharda
The thoughts
that hover in your mind
consume the energy from you.
Change the course
of your thoughts and
see the positive vibes
attracting you.
Nushy Theophilus
Don’t let despair
consume you.
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