The Loss Cycle, The Normal Cycle For All Losses


The Loss Cycle

The Normal Cycle For All Losses

Losses (Loved ones dies, a relationship ends, lose a job, or give up chemicals)

LIFE——-> NEW LIFE (Stronger)
• Disbelief and shock (denial)
• Anger (at God, the person, others, ourselves)
• Guilt
• Resentments
• Remorse (self-pity, self-anger)
• Grief (Acute sorrow)
• Helplessness
• Hopelessness
• Depression
• Despair
All of the above are normal.

Quit fighting: Out of surrender comes strength
• Action
• Planning
• Serenity and peace of mind
• Accept and say goodbye
• Share, talk
• Remember and cry and laugh
• Admit
• Hope
• Faith
Denial – Anger – Depression – Acceptance – Reconstruction (Bargaining takes place all along)

Life Quotes, loss quotes, quotes about life, losses quotes, grief and loss cycle, best life quotes

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