Everybody likes new things, they’re fascinating. A new book, clothes, electronics, etcetera. Old is just.. Dull, no longer feeds our interests and curiosity. The new stuff, on the other hand is full of unknown features, characteristics and fashions that we find indulging. Unfortunately, we treat our fellow humans similarly, once you meet someone new, you’re excited, thrived. But once you’ve known them in and out, you lose that speck of curiosity. I’m not saying that everyone’s a ditcher and that people are read like a book and discarded after been read, but it’s always good to keep a little mystery, you know,just to have the curiosity going. It is attractive to discover something new everyday a little than to discover everything at once, the brain is not overfed and bored.
People change, times change, things stay hidden anyway, why try hard to find everything at once?!
– Harsh Bathia
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