What Each Zodiac Sign Is Waiting For


(Iโ€™m)patiently Waiting For โ€“

ARIES โ€“ An โ€œI miss youโ€ text from that person you claim to be over

TAURUS โ€“ Your roommate to leave for the grocery store so you can walk around the house in your underwear

GEMINI โ€“ The Nobel Prize committee to acknowledge your contributions in the field of Internet Discourse

CANCER โ€“ Everyone to realize your intuition was correct as usual

LEO โ€“ A flimsy excuse to start shit as an antidote for your boredom

VIRGO โ€“ Friday, just on principle, even though all days feel the same

LIBRA โ€“ A buyer for the genius gadget you just invented in your head

SCORPIO โ€“ Your best friend to name their first-born child after you

SAGITTARIUS โ€“ Your turn to participate in the conversation again

CAPRICORN โ€“ The clothes you bought online ten whole minutes ago to arrive

AQUARIUS โ€“ Someone else to join the Zoom meeting and save you from making small talk with a coworker you donโ€™t know very well

PISCES โ€“ It to be socially acceptable to melt into your chair at dinner

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