16 Things You’ll Notice In The Presence Of An Empath



Have you ever been in the presence of an empath? Someone who just by being there made you feel protected, safe, and happy?

“Yes, we notice a lot of what goes on around us – But you’ll notice some things about us too.”

Can you remember an instance when someone, a complete stranger, poured their heart out to you? It probably happened without warning, and the emotions they were feeling were coursing through your heart as well.

There is something magnetic about an empath; they have a force that draws others towards them. These people who open up to you, they don’t know why they do it- and it doesn’t matter. We give them comfort and reassurance, and after riding the roller-coaster with them, we do our best to help them find peace.

I can’t count how many experiences I have had like that – what about you?

Author of Non-Violent Communication, Marshall Rosenberg, gives us a concise definition of what empathy really is:

“In empathy, you don’t speak at all. You speak with the eyes. You speak with the body. If you say any words at all, it’s because you are not sure you are with the person. So you may say some words. But the words are not empathy. Empathy is when the other person feels the connection to what’s alive in you.”

So, yes, we notice a lot of what goes on around us- but you’ll notice some things about us too.

16 Signs You Are In Presence Of An Empath

1. We are often told we’re “too sensitive” or “too emotional.”

Empaths aren’t “too” this or that. What others describe as “over-feeling” is really just being in-touch with emotions- theirs and yours.

2. We really dislike being lied to.

It barely takes a glance in your direction and we know you’re lying. The majority of people hate being lied to, but it really sucks for an empath. It literally makes our skin feel gross and we feel that disgust every time we are around them.

3. Negative images directly affect us.

Empaths find it nearly impossible to “unfeel” something. The news? Stories of violence and heartbreak on social media? We avoid them like the plague. We are well aware of the pain in the world, and we feel it daily.

Want to know more about how you can protect yourself as an empath? Read 10 Strategies To Protect Your Energy As An Empath

4. We feel overwhelmed by crowds. 

Empaths encompass every personality type. We are introverts, extroverts, and ambiverts. Yet, even the most outgoing of us can become easily overwhelmed in crowds. We absorb everyone’s feelings and energies…it’s exhausting, to say the least.

5. We find happiness through healing. 

Empaths are there to help; we try to guide you towards healing. Just like with all of our advice, it only helps if you actually implement it in your life.

6. We react differently to stimulants and medications.

Whether it is coffee or tea, soda, or an energy drink, anything containing caffeine tends to make us feel more anxious or agitated than others. Also, we do our best to avoid prescription medication as much as possible due to the numerous, and unpleasant, side effects we experience.

7. We can’t be anyone except us. 

If you’re looking for honesty and true friendship, empaths are who you should be searching for (but we’ll likely find you first). We have grown into who we are, and we embrace who we are becoming. Usually, it is others who have an issue with our sensitivity and honest nature.

8. We know what you are going through because we are going through it with you.

If you’re not feeling well, are feeling overwhelming sadness and depression, or if you’re agitated, we are going through all of those things with you. We’re connected to those we care about, and we care about everyone.

9. We have a special bond with animals.

Empaths don’t ‘own’ animals, and we don’t have pets. We have family members. Looking at animals in the wild, we see a perfect and pure soul…a love incapable of hate. We have conversations with them as you would anyone else, and sometimes, we even get a response.

Presence Of An Empath

10. We are usually tired, exhausted, and worn out.

We deal with more than just our personal emotions and mental drains, we deal with everyone else’s as well. Every day we are around other people, we absorb, process, and release what those around us are experiencing.

And those are the lucky ones who have figured out how to process so they can release, instead of holding onto everything until they can no longer function.

11. If you ask for our advice please take it.

We listen to every word you say, we put ourselves in your shoes, and we deliver heartfelt advice. Is it too much to ask for you to listen to it? The thing is, we know what we are talking about- and you do too.

In fact, we are telling you the exact same thing that you know you should do. We know it. You know it. So, and I mean this in the nicest way possible, either take the advice or stop asking because it wears on our patience.

12. We become distracted rather easily.

Maybe it’s because of our heightened sensitivity to everyone and everything around us, but empaths tend to lose focus easily and become distracted. There is a bright side to this: empaths notice and appreciate all the little things most people never take the time to notice.

Want to know more about how you can use your sensitivity in the right way? Read 6 Ways to Use Your Sensitivity as a Superpower

13. We genuinely detest narcissism

Empaths can spot a narcissist a mile away, and that’s about as close as we like to get to one.

Looking to know more about why empaths hate negative people? Read 9 Important Reasons You Should Avoid Negative People If You’re An Empath

14. We are hypersensitive to certain sounds. 

A certain pitch, a slight buzz, and loud noises can really get to us. However, it isn’t just sounds- we are also sensitive to textures, fabrics, and bright lights as well. We experience the polar opposite too! Gentle sounds, soft caresses, and delicate tastes are noticed just as intensely, but in a pleasing manner.

15. We are excellent listeners. 

Go on, tell us everything about your life from the seemingly insignificant, to the drastically transformative. We will do more than listen- we will embark on that journey alongside you, and experience every high and low found within. On top of that, you never have to worry about any judgment on our part; we never want to hurt, only to help.

16. Electronics act up around us. 

I know this sounds strange to those who have not experienced it, but it happens. We get shocked by touching the same things you normally do, and electronic equipment acts strange around us. Computers glitch, cars stall, phones die- if it has a current or a charge, it is probably going to affect us or be affected by us.

For those of you who have read this article and telling yourself, “Finally! I have a word for all of this and it makes sense now!” I am glad you have gained some insight into your gift. And that is exactly what it is- a gift. It is something that we can learn from, and share with others.

Remember to make time for yourself, where your only focus is you. Even just 5 minutes a day of silence and relaxed breathing can make a world of difference when it comes to handling emotional stress- and that’s good advice for everyone, not just empaths.

If you want to know more about the things you will experience when you are in the presence of an empath, then check this video out below:

Presence Of An Empath
Presence Of An Empath
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