50+ Nikita Gill Poems – A Bittersweet Bliss Of Joy And Pain



Exploring themes of love, trauma, and self-discovery – here are some Nikita Gill poems which have the power to transport you to the deepest parts of yourself. 

With over a million followers on Instagram, Nikita Gill has become a prominent voice in the poetry community and has inspired countless readers with her beautiful and empowering words.

Nikita Gill poetry speaks about the human experience in a way that is both raw and elegant. She reminds us that even in the midst of pain and suffering, there is always hope for healing and growth.

And in this article, we’ll take a closer look at the captivating world of Nikita Gill best poems and explore what makes them unique and resonant.

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Deep Nikita Gill Quotes And Poems

1. “The monsters were never under my bed. Because the monsters were inside my head.”

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2. “How do you go back to being strangers with someone who has seen your soul?”

3. Mama, I hope you’re proud of me. I took all the awful things they did, and turned them into empathy.
Mama, I hope you’re proud of me, I may have let their poison under my skin, but I let it drip out of my fingers as poetry.

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4. “I hope you find someone who knows how to love you when you are sad.”

5. Nothing is worth destroying yourself over, but if you are going to destroy yourself, make sure it is for something spectacular, make sure it is for yourself.
There is nothing worse than ruining yourself for people who aren’t worth it.

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6. “I will not let you have me without the madness that makes me. If our demons cannot dance, neither can we.”

7. “You are a dangerous collection of all my favorite things. An old soul, a heart of gold, and hands that make my body sing.”

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8. “What If? What if the person you need is the same person you cannot speak to when you need them the most.”

9. Breaking off pieces of yourself to fit into places will not help you belong, it will only make you bleed.

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10. “And you say you are broken, but broken mirrors like you create the most beautiful patterns of light.”

11. She speaks to me fondly of passions and talents, guitars and stars, then stops short and apologises for speaking at all.
All because somewhere in her life, someone she loved broke her heart by ignoring her beautiful words and telling her to shut up, keep it down, nobody cares.
People aren’t born sad. We make them that way.

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12. “Those freckles make you seem like a galaxy of stars, just waiting to be explored and loved.”

13. I hope you are blessed with a heart like a wildflower.
Strong enough to rise again after being trampled upon, tough enough to weather the worst of the summer storms, and able to grow and flourish even in the most broken places.

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14. “Remember, there are beginnings in endings, through destruction there comes life.”

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Poems by Nikita Gill About Pain And Chaos

15. “I suppose I love my scars because they have stayed with me longer than most people have.”

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16. “Take this as your reminder. Not all heroes wear capes. Some wear darkness, some wear wounds.”

17. “Let it hurt. Let it bleed. Let it heal. And let it go.”

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18. “Tell me, if a person falls apart alone in the dark, does it make a sound? And if it does make a sound, is it as loud and devastating as a decaying broken heart when it is finally found? Or is the sound soft strangulation hidden that we miss all the time behind words like “I’m fine?”

19. I named us Grief:
Perhaps in a different time
I would have named us hope.
Perhaps in a different universe
we would not meet so battleworn
And I would call us forgiveness,
and not remember us as war.

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20. “Only the brave and the broken are kind in this world.”

21. Sometimes you are going to miss a person who was an almost to you. And feel sad because there is no name for that feeling. You just feel it in a way that makes you tired to your very bones.

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22. “People can be so quiet about their pain, that you forget they are hurting. That is why it is so important to always be kind.

23. I am sorry someone loved you badly, and that they made you feel like you take up more space t than you deserve.
I am sorry they abandoned you when you need them the most and it has made you believe that love is an awful thing that hurts.

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24. “If you have been brutally broken, but still have the courage to be gentle to others then you deserve a love deeper than the ocean itself.”

25. “The way damaged people love” Damaged people love you like you are a crime scene before a crime has even been committed. They keep their running shoes beside their souls every night, one eye open in case things change whilst they sleep. Their backs are always tense as though waiting to fight a sudden storm that might engulf them. Because damaged people have already seen hell. And damaged people understand that every evil demon. That exists down there was once a kind angel before it fell.”

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26. Sometimes you are going to miss a person who was an almost to you.
And feel sad because there is no name for that feeling.
You just feel it in a way that makes you tired to your very bones.

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Nikita Gill Poems About Love 

27. “If he truly loves you, he will love you when you are an ocean breeze, but also when you are a summer storm. You were not made to be loved in parts, you were meant to be loved as a whole.”

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28. “Fall in love with someone who tastes like adventure but looks like the calm, beautiful morning after a terrible storm.”

29. Show me the most damaged parts of your soul, and I will show you how it still shines like gold.

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30. “Some people are going to love you like you are a pond, and others are going to love you like you are a river, but you are an ocean, and you should never settle for anyone who loves you for anything less than that.”

31. “Before you leave, please know this; I’d rather be the girl whose name dies at your lips every time you try to speak of me, than a girl you tell stories about at parties. What I’m saying is this, darling. I’d rather be your absinthe, than your cup of tea.”

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32. “You fell in love with a storm. Did you really think you would get out unscathed?”

33. “Kiss someone who makes you feel their magic in your bones, who makes you wonder how can someone who looks like witchcraft at midnight taste so holy.”

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34. “One day you will meet someone who will see the universe that was knitted into your bones, and the embers of galaxies glow to life in your eyes. And you will finally know what love is supposed to feel like.”

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35. “The girl he loves is midnight, like the blue of the sea cradled by the moonlight. The girl he loves is verdant, the very green of the hill kissed by the summer delight. The girl he loves is coral, as pink as the roses that grow in his mother’s garden. The girl he loves is crimson, red like the autumn leaves that lay abandoned.
The girl he loves I can never be Because he’s allergic to violets, And violets are too much like me.”

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Empowering Nikita Gill Poems Feminism

36. “You must understand: they fear you. There is nothing scarier in their minds than a girl who knows the power of her flames.”

37. She’s the kind of girl who would rather be magical to you than belong to you.

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38. “The spirits of my ancestors did not manifest themselves in my soul bones to watch me become a convenient place for someone else’s feet.”

39. “What is a queen without her king?”
I don’t know, but let’s ask
Nefertiti, Hatshepsut, Sammuramat,
Cleopatra, Victoria, Elizabeth, Amina Tzu-hsi and the countless other kingless queens who turned mere kingdoms into the greatest of Empires.

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40. “She wears strength and darkness equally well, the girl has always been half goddess, half hell.”

41. They won’t tell you fairytales of how girls can be dangerous and still win. They will only tell you stories where girls are sweet and kind and reject all sin. I guess to them it’s a terrifying thought, a red riding hood who knew exactly what she was doing when she invited the wild in.

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42. “Heroes are never born fearless. They become heroes by facing their fears, by meeting them head-on and saying, ‘You do not control me, or own me anymore.”

43. “If all girls were taught how to love each other fiercely instead of how to compete with each other and hate their own bodies, What a different and beautiful world we would live in.”

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44. “Her mother told her she could grow up to be anything she wanted be, so she grew up to become the strongest of the strong, the strangest of the strange, the wildest of the wild, the wolf leading wolves.”

45. Defined by no man, you are your own story, blazing through the world, turning history into herstory.
And when they dare to tell you about all the things you cannot be, you smile and tell them, “I am both war and woman and you cannot stop me.”

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46. “I am more powerful than I am damaged and I will rise from any abyss you drown me in.”

Nikita Gill Quotes And Poems About Moving On

What else was I going to do with all this fire you left inside me?
I had two choices- find someone to share it with, Or to burn alive.”

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48. Think of him as a hurricane, and your pain as an active volcano. He has taken from you and gone. And your pain is erupting inside you.
But even hurricanes and volcanoes have a point where they end, and so will the memories of him that haunt you and your pain.
But you my dear, you are an ocean. And oceans are ancient and can survive everything, even the wrath of weather and planets.
Just like you will survive losing what you thought would be a forever love.

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49. Beg no one to stay when they decide. They want to leave.
Your love is not a cage for wild hearts, it is a gift to be well received.

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50. You are not some holiday destination for people to have a good time in, and then forget.
You are not a grave for people to bury their pain inside, never to be remembered again
You are not a piece of toilet paper. So why are are you letting other people use and dispose of you?
You are made of magic, don’t you dare allow yourself to be treated like you are any less.

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51. It is absolutely terrifying the kind of deep suffering the happiest looking people are able to hide inside themselves.

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52. But the worst thing about losing you was that my you took heart with you.

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Nikita Gill quotes and poems are a must-read for anyone who wants to be moved, touched, and transformed by the beauty and power of language. Tell us your favorite verse in the comments below!

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