Remus Lupin - Harry Potter

Remus grapples with challenges – his shyness often keeps him from speaking up.

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Alice Cullen - Twilight

Alice is a character who’s all about love, family, and acceptance. 

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Bonnie Bennett - The Vampire Diaries

Bonnie is the type who puts others first, even when she disagree. 

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 Elsa - Frozen

She wants to explore the world, understand how it works, and find answers. 

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Louise Banks -  Arrival

Louise often has visions of the future and strong gut feelings about what things really mean.

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Ted Mosby -  How I Met  Your Mother

He’s a romantic who wants love to be easy and perfect.

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Lisa Simpson - The Simpsons

Lisa Simpson stands out for her strong principles and moral values.

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Daenerys Targaryen - Game of Thrones

She believes in giving people a choice to follow her instead of forcing them.

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