He Introduces You To His Loved Ones

If he invites you to his family function or his any event related to his loved ones, it can be a good sign.

He Invests In You

If he’s willing to go out of his way to help you, it’s a good indication that he has fallen for you.

He Makes Eye Contact

If he’s always looking into your eyes when you’re talking, it’s a sign that he’s really interested.

He Mirrors Your Actions

If he starts to mirror your body language and gestures, it’s a sign that he’s trying to connect with you.

He Gets Jealous

If he seems a little bit jealous when you talk about other guys, it could be a sign that he likes you.

He Teases You

If he teases you in a playful way, it’s a sign that he’s comfortable around you and wants to make you laugh.

He Finds Excuses to Touch You

If he finds excuses to touch you, like brushing your arm or putting his hand on your shoulder, it can be a sign.

He Makes Plans to See You

If he’s always making plans to see you, it’s a sign that he wants to spend time with you.

He Compliments You

If he’s always complimenting you on your looks, personality, or achievements, it’s a sign that he’s paying attention to you.

He Gets Nervous Around You

If he seems a little bit nervous or fidgety when he’s around you, it’s a sign that he likes you. 

