According to the depression triggers of each zodiac, Aries lose it when things don’t work out the way they want them to. Aries feel a lot of sorrow and anguish when they lose control.

Taurus hates stagnating in one place more than anything. They have a tendency to find their comfort zone and dig themselves in deep there, even if they’re bored out of their minds half the time.

The depression trigger for a Gemini is a broken heart. Everyone becomes sad when they have their heartbroken but a Gemini will find it ten times more difficult to heal.

Analyzing the depression triggers of each zodiac, you will find that Cancer is the most depressed of the zodiac signs.

According to the depression triggers of each zodiac, Leos burns with the flame of a thousand suns or rather they try to. It hurts them deeply when people aren’t attentive to them.

Virgo tends to slip into depression just by going over whatever’s happening in their own life over and over and over again.

Libras feel the worst if they think there is something unfair or wrongdoing going on in any given situation.

According to the depression triggers of each zodiac, a Scorpio is never more depressed than when they are scared.

Loneliness is Sagittarius’ biggest trigger. Even though this is the sign that is most at ease when they are alone, the fear that they might never find the one who would understand them gnaws away at them.

Going by the depression triggers of each zodiac, Capricorn is mortified by the thoughts of losing their prime. Knowing that they’re growing old is something that deeply upsets them.

There’s nothing more pleasing to an Aquarius than knowing that they’re right and they like keeping things that way.

According to the depression triggers of each zodiac, Pisces is most often brought down by their family.