You like to express your negative emotions by yelling or being physically aggressive and then be done with it. You don't harbor grudges.

When you face a practical or financial setback, you tend to act out of character and throw a hissy fit. You can become argumentative, rude, and hard to handle.

You fail to explain the reason why you got so upset. You become avoidant and refuse to talk about it. Instead, you sulk and remain reclusive.

Your irritability is actually your pain and sadness camouflaging as anger, but it can get really annoying to put up with you when you're in a 'crabby' mood.

Depending on how you feel about someone personally, your outburst can range from emotional fights to downright abuse.

You can be uptight and snooty. You're hyper-critical of the people you care about. You want your loved ones to apply themselves more, and it makes you mad if they fail to do so.

You self-sacrifice trying to make everyone happy. This gives rise to pent-up resentments and bitterness in you, making you irritable and impatient.

You self-sacrifice trying to make everyone happy. This gives rise to pent-up resentments and bitterness in you, making you irritable and impatient.

Intense emotional conflicts make you mad and leave. You're set in your ways, and when someone tries to question your choices or beliefs, you get snappy.

Your anger will not be visible on the surface. You'll continue doing your work, pretending everything is hunky-dory. But your grudges will keep festering inside you.

You hate to accept defeat, and if you're presented with facts that contradict your opinion, you will change the topic or may avoid or block the person.

Instead of processing your anger, you withdraw and dissociate. You seek out self-sabotaging habits to numb the pain. You ignore your personal well-being and wallow in self-pity