Zodiac Signs When Confronted


Zodiac Signs When Confronted

When Confronted

ARIES : Is a little too eager for an opportunity to argue

TAURUS : Responds “You’re wrong” and refuses to engage further

GEMINI : Commits so hard to the lie that even they end up believing it

CANCER : Projects an air of innocence so they can never be found at fault

LEO : Says they’re going through a lot right now and really can’t handle this

VIRGO : Pokes holes in your argument until it sinks

LIBRA : Immediately says sorry just to end the conflict

SCORPIO : Somehow turns the tables so you end up apologizing to them

SAGITTARIUS : Says they were only joking and that you’re too sensitive

CAPRICORN : Has already fairly split and assigned responsibility to each involved party

AQUARIUS : Goes AWOL for a few weeks then shows up again as If nothing happened

PISCES : “You’re right, I guess I’m just a terrible person, completely unworthy of love”

Zodiac Signs Quotes, Zodiac Personality Quotes, Zodiac Memes Quotes, Zodiac Traits Quotes, Aries Traits Quotes, Taurus Traits Quotes, Gemini Traits Quotes, Cancer Traits Quotes, Leo Traits Quotes, Virgo Traits Quotes, Libra Traits Quotes, Scorpio Traits Quotes, Sagittarius Traits Quotes, Capricorn Traits Quotes, Aquarius Traits Quotes, Pisces Traits Quotes.

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