Zodiac Signs Teetering On The Edge Of


Zodiac Signs Teetering On The Edge Of

ARIES: Bringing up the one thing they know is going to start drama

TAURUS: Becoming an actual piece of petrified wood

GEMINI: Cutting you out of their life completely because of an opinion you have that they agreed with 2 years ago

CANCER: Letting their past emotional truth inhibit their ability to fully connect to the present

LEO: Wilding out and spending $500 on various skincare products

VIRGO: A big blow-up over the dishes in the sink that is probably actually because of a number of things theyโ€™ve let the build-up

LIBRA: Making any real commitment and resigning to a constant state of indecision

SCORPIO: A need to feel deeply connected to people and the urge to give up on humanity forever

SAGITTARIUS: Straight up starting a physical fight just because theyโ€™re bored and a little bit drunk

CAPRICORN: A complete collapse after ignoring their needs and pushing forward anyway for months

AQUARIUS: Becoming totally incomprehensible beneath all their acquired quirks and preferences

PISCES: Being ok and a deep pit of existential dread

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