What Spring Fever Looks Like For The Zodiac Signs


What Spring Fever Looks Like For The Zodiac Signs โ€“

ARIES: Taking a two-hour bike journey to a specialty ice cream shop

TAURUS: Picnic in a meadow at sunset, surrounded by fireflies

GEMINI: Sneaking into an old church to use it as a movie theatre

CANCER: Finding out the soulmate theyโ€™ve dreamt about every night this year actually exists in real life

LEO: Hosting a solo art show that everyone theyโ€™ve ever met attends

VIRGO: Building an Etsy empire out of accumulated home goods

LIBRA: Sourcing floral outfits to reenact the Summer of Love

SCORPIO: Missing the cold because theyโ€™re allergic to flowers and sun

SAGITTARIUS: Borrowing a convertible for a long weekend at the hot springs

CAPRICORN: Replacing their demanding work schedule with an equally demanding social schedule

AQUARIUS: Taking even longer aimless walks than they did in winter

PISCES: Sharing a commute with their dreamy subway crush again

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