Face Reading: Your Lip Shape Reveals Your Personality


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Your Lip Shape Reveals Your Personality

According to face-reading science, your lip shape reveals your personality, as it’s one of the key indicators of your identity. Find out if your lips don’t lie, or do they?

Whatever emotions we feel on the inside- happiness, grief, anger, or irritation- the first physical expression of it happens through our lips. We communicate our thoughts verbally and with the help of expressions, which mainly involves our mouth.

Hence, experts around the world are suggesting a deep connection between our lip shape and personality – the underlying psychological makeup.

Sharing feelings, like shyness, fondness, and sarcasm through gestures of our lips is such a common and natural thing to do! We at Minds Journal, have decided to take a closer look at different lip shapes and the personality they reflect.

Here are 10 types of lip shapes – differentiated on the basis of size, plumpness, and cupidโ€™s bow – and their personality implications.

Did You Know That Your Lip Shape Reveals Your Personality?

1. If You Have Naturally Large and Puffy Lips…

Naturally large puffy lips
What Your Lips Says About You? Lip Shape Personality Test

Celebrity with this lip shape – Anne Hathaway

People who have naturally large and plump lips, upper and lower lips almost evenly plump, are empathetic human beings, and display strong maternal instincts. They find happiness in caring for others and instinctively nurture and protect their loved ones.

Their parenting skills are praiseworthy, and their warm-hearted nature makes them popular animal lovers too. They actively work to safeguard stray animals, and also enjoy keeping many types of pets.

2. If You Have Small Bee-Stung (Plump) Lips…

10 Lip Shape Reveals Your Personality: Interesting Test
What Your Lip Shape Says About You: Lip Shape Reveals Personality

Celebrity with this lip shape – Scarlett Johansson

People with small, bee-stung(plump) lips prioritize themselves above everything else. But this doesnโ€™t mean they are selfish human beings. Itโ€™s just that they understand that if they fail to look after themselves then no one else will!

So, they always put their interest before othersโ€™. At first glance, these people appear to be self-obsessed, but in reality, they are compassionate towards their friends and family, and also a little mischievous and flirty!

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3. If You Have โ€œGoldilocksโ€ Lips…

If You Have
Lip Shape Personality Test

Celebrity with this lip shape- Emma Stone

People with โ€œGoldilocksโ€ lips have medium-sized, balanced lip shape, both upper and lower lips are almost the same size, neither being too fat or too thin. Such people are also blessed with balanced personalities.

Their manners are perfectly poised, and they hardly ever overreact. Because of their stable and mature nature, friends approach them for advice, and being good listeners, they are able to provide the emotional support others seek.

4. If You Have Thin Lips…

Thin Lips
Your Lip Shape Reveals Your Personality

Celebrity with this lip shape – Kirsten Dunst

People with thin lips love solitude. They are the perfect example of extroverted introverts- people who are loners at heart, although naturally good at socializing. They prefer some quality time with themselves over social gatherings.

Since they enjoy being alone, they have also learned to be independent and self-reliant. In relationships, they are compatible with partners who have clear-cut life goals.

5. If You Have Peaked Cupidโ€™s Bow Lips…

Peaked cupid bow
What Your Lip Shape Says About Your Personality

Celebrity with this lip shape – Taylor Swift

People with lips that have a peaked cupid’s bow look adorable and are full of creative energy. They are always exploring new ways to express their creativity and enamor people with the artistic outcomes of their ventures.

They also possess good oratory skills, which gives them an edge in social interactions. However, being creative also makes them impulsive by nature, which often leads to bad decisions.

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6. If You Have Rounded Cupidโ€™s Bow Lips…

Rounded cupid bow
What Is Your Personality Based On Your Lip Shape

Celebrity with this lip shape – Amanda Seyfried

People with lips that have a rounded cupidโ€™s bow are compassionate, kind-hearted, and sensitive. Their philanthropic nature makes them best suited for humanitarian work.

However, any kind of injustice deeply affects their sensitive heart, making them upset. They are happiest when involved in some work that makes the world around them a better place.

7. If You Have Undefined Cupidโ€™s Bow Lips…

Undefined cupid bow
10 Types Of Lip Shapes: Your Lip Shape And Personality

Celebrity with this lip shape – Julia Roberts

People with lips that have an undefined cupidโ€™s bow are very generous by nature and responsible in their professional lives. They are strong-minded and tackle challenges head-on.

However, their benevolent nature can, at times, encroach on other peopleโ€™s personal space. At work, they are valued as reliable employees who are great at meeting deadlines.

8. If You Have The Upper Lip Larger Than Lower One…

Upper lip larger than lower one
Lips Speak About Your Personality: Your Lips Don’t Lie

Celebrity with this lip shape – Kristen Stewart

People with upper lips more prominent than the lower ones are stoics at heart. They believe in a humble lifestyle and donโ€™t approve of unnecessary material possessions, or pleasure-seeking.

Your strong, honest disposition never fails to draw attention. Although you are against extravagance, you are fun to hang out with and keep others entertained with your fine sense of humor.

9. If You Have A Lower Lip Larger Than The Upper One…

Lower lip larger than upper one
Find Out Your Lip Shape And Personality Traits

Celebrity with this lip shape – Jennifer Aniston

People with lower lips more prominent than upper ones are always bubbling with energy, and are constantly on the lookout for fun and adventure.

An active lifestyle, meeting new people, visiting new destinations, is what you crave. Your self-belief ensures that you tackle stressful situations with aplomb. You are communicative and enjoy making new friends.

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10. If You Have Artificially Enhanced Lips…

Artificially enhanced lips
Find Out Your Lip Shape And Personality

Celebrity with this lip shape- Kylie Jenner

As per Chinese face reading, each facial feature represents a specific characteristic in you, and together all your features imply your overall personality. So, altering your natural features actually means messing with your destiny.

The degree of lip enhancement is directly proportional to the degree of your hedonistic desires. You might find yourself becoming more self-centered and needy, and enjoying unnecessary drama in your personal life.

Now you know that lips aren’t just a beautiful feature adorning your face, your lip shape and personality are deeply connected.

Hope this was an interesting read. Did you relate to your personality according to your lip shape? Let me know in the comment section below.

lip shape
Find Out Your Lip Shape And Personality Traits
Your Lip Shape Reveals Your Personality pinex
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