What Karma Has in Store for You in 2021, According to Your Zodiac Sign

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What Karma Store for You 2021 1

Do you know what is coming to you in the form of your karma in 2021? Everyone is destined to get a visit from karma sometime or the other, because at the end of the day, what you do now will decide how your karma is going to be. If you do good, you will get good karma, and if you do badโ€ฆwell, you know how that goes.

You might already be experiencing a lot of changes that are taking place. It would be best for you to know how these changes will affect you and everyone around you according to your zodiac sign so that you can take the necessary preparations and not get affected by it during this period.

Here Is The Karma Each Zodiac Sign Will Receive In 2021

1. Aries (March 21 โ€“ April 19)

karma 2021

Fortunately, Aries, 2021 is going to be a good year for you as karma will mostly work in your favor. You will feel calmer and peaceful than usual, and this will help you dive deep into yourself and know yourself better. This is the year of finding your purpose, working towards your personal growth, and being the best version of yourself.

With Saturn and Jupiter staying in Aquarius for the most part of the year, you will focus on friendship and loyalty and will choose to let go of people who threaten to hinder your personal growth. All in all, 2021 is going to be a year of discovering yourself.


2. Taurus (April 20 โ€“ May 20)

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You are going to face some problems on the love front in the first half of the year, and things might get rocky. But if you work on it, and try to resolve the issues with an open mind and a big heart, you and your relationship will be in a much healthier place later. It is vital that you sort out all the issues to break this karma.

Once you manage to rectify and move on from your relationship issues, you will find yourself in a much happier and content place with your partner by the end of the year.


3. Gemini (May 21 โ€“ June 20)

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As a Gemini, you tend to live your life at a fast pace, with a lot of impatience and quickness. You hardly stop and look around you to see what is really happening. But your karma in 2021 is going to teach you many valuable lessons regarding that. It will teach you to slow down and take life one day at a time.

You will encounter unexpected changes in your life that will make you feel lost at the beginning, but once the haze clears, you will see yourself living a much better and meaningful life.


4. Cancer (June 21 โ€“ July 22)

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You will see many positive changes this year because karma is finally going to reward you for all the love and dedication you have shown your loved ones. You will also have a better grip on your emotions and will be more sure about yourself. Be optimistic and enjoy all the good that will keep coming your way in 2021.

Despite all the happiness coming your way, make sure that you stay humble, otherwise, karma will put you in challenging situations yet again to teach you a lesson.


5. Leo (July 23 โ€“ August 22)

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The beginning of 2021 will be an uncomfortable and discomforting thing for you. Nothing will seem to work out for you, and you will feel more anxious than usual about the future and what it has in store for you. It might seem like being miserable and scared are the only options you have, but donโ€™t worry.

Your karma is simply testing you, and the mistakes you make now will only help you get on the right path and make the right decisions. The beginning of the year might not be the best for you, but the end of the year will be better. Just remember to sit tight and hold on.


6. Virgo (August 23 โ€“ September 22)

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For you, this year is going to be all about fighting for your goals and fulfilling them. You might fall at times, but your karma will help you get back up every time and go full force again in the quest to achieving your dreams. Your karma in 2021 will also show you the importance of listening to your energies and soul, and be a more positive person than before.

You might make many mistakes, but learning and growing from them is what 2021 is going to be for you. So sit tight for all the lessons that are coming your way.


7. Libra (September 23 โ€“ October 22)

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Things have not been going great for you for quite some time, but with 2021, that might change! 2020 was a difficult year for you with a lot of difficult challenges coming your way. But your perseverance and resilience are finally going to pay off in 2021, as your karma has decided to reward you for them.

Being in a balanced and stable place is what you are going to work for this year, and you will unapologetically be your most authentic self. Trust yourself and your journey and you will go where you have always wanted to be.


8. Scorpio (October 23 โ€“ November 21)

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In 2021, your karma is going to surprise you a lot and most of the time you will never know whatโ€™s coming your way. But donโ€™t worry, that necessarily doesnโ€™t have to be something you should be worried about. 2021 is going to be an exciting and eventful year for you, where you will get to know the deepest parts of yourself.

You might come across tough situations, but your loved ones will always be there to support you. This year will see you being closer than ever to your family and friends, who will serve as your biggest source of strength.


9. Sagittarius (November 22 โ€“ December 21)

karma 2021

The innovator in you is always prodding you to do something about the ideas nestling in your head. The innovator has presented you with so many wonderful ideas but you just donโ€™t know the right time and place to pitch them. Well, 2021 will finally bring you the opportunity to make your dreams a reality.

Let your inner peace guide you towards the right thing and donโ€™t be impatient. Be calm and patient enough to wait for the good days that are bound to come your way.


10. Capricorn (December 22 โ€“ January 19)

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Confidence is going to be the key to your success in 2021. Your sense of confidence will help you in all areas of your life, be it your professional life or your romantic life. Your newfound optimism will be your USP in 2021 and will keep you happy and content in your relationship.

You will need this confidence especially when it comes to life since it will be moving at a faster pace this year. It might be confusing at first, but use your confidence and keep your emotions in check to deal with this pace.


11. Aquarius (January 20 โ€“ February 18)

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You are quite an impulsive person who always makes decisions and does things without thinking. This often leads to many problems between you and others. But your karma in 2021 is going to change this, by being a bit harsh with you. The lessons it will impart to you will make you feel anxious and uncomfortable, but it will be good for you in the long run.

The more you try to control your anger and your impulsive actions, the calmer and smarter you will get. You will discover that life is actually not that complicated; it is way simpler and fluid than what you used to believe.


12. Pisces (February 19 โ€“ March 20)

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By the looks of it, 2021 is going to be an amazing year for you. Your karma is going to work in your favor, and you will be having many lucrative and exciting opportunities coming your way; be it a new relationship, friendship, or a new job. 2021 will also see you less dependent on other people, and more self-reliant.

In 2021, you will reap all the benefits of your hard work and dedication that you have done in the past few years. There are so many positive things to look forward to this year!


So, are you excited for 2021? Which zodiac sign do you have? Let us know in the comments down below!

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