Nail Shape Personality Test: Find Out What Your Nail Shape Says About You!


If you have narrow and long nails, you possess a vertically long nail shape. Your nail shape suggests a set of distinctive personality traits. 

If You Have Vertically Long Nails


If your nails are wide and rectangular, you have a wide nail shape. This nail shape is associated with a unique set of personality traits. 

If You Have Wide Nails


If your nails have rounded edges and tips, you possess a round nail shape. This nail shape is associated with a range of unique personality traits. 

If You Have Round Nails


If your nails have straight sides, a flat tip, and edges at a 90-degree angle, you possess a square nail shape. 

If You Have Square Nails

Discover the intriguing correlations between nail shapes and individual traits that make you who you are. Click below to know more about your personality.