Lessons To Learn From - Eat Pray Love 

1. Create your destiny actively. 2. Embrace curiosity fearlessly. 3. Thank your fears and embrace them.

Lessons To Learn From - The Secret Life of Walter Mitty 

1. Life is for living, not dreaming. 2. Get outside your comfort zone. 3. Be courageous!

Lessons To Learn From - Into The Wild

1. Happiness is only real when shared. 2. Reach out to your parents; they always want to hear from you 3. Always be prepared.

Lessons To Learn From - Lost In Translation

1. Remember to have (liquid) courage. 2. Do everything you do with intensity! 3. When in doubt look up to the bright lights!

Lessons To Learn From - Wild

1. You complete yourself. 2. Be rich in love. 3. Always be in the driver's seat of your life.

Lessons To Learn From - Under The Tuscan Sun

1. Fear makes people stupid. 2. Don't wallow in regrets. 3. Let life surprise you!

Lessons To Learn From - Julie & Julia

1. Find and embrace your passion. 2. But.. don't let passion blind you to life's priorities. 3. And live life to the fullest.

Lessons To Learn From - Boyhood

1. Take a leap of faith. 2. All you need to know is your next step. 3. And sometimes we need a “bigger canvas” in our life.

Lessons To Learn From - The Perks of Being a Wallflower

1. Live life to the fullest. 2. Sometimes, it's okay not to be okay. 3. Keep an open mind, but don't buy into everything you hear.

Lessons To Learn From - Silver Linings Playbook

1. Flaws are beautiful. 2. Forgive yourself and embrace yourself. 3. Persist, persist, persist.

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