1.  Being in a state of gratitude helps bring more good things into your life for you to be grateful for.

Floral Pattern
Floral Pattern

2.  Gratitude will always help you be happy. It’s inherent within the emotion. But happiness will not always make you grateful.

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Floral Pattern

3.  When you’re grateful for what you have and are happy and present, you never need more than what you already have.

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Floral Pattern

4. If you are grateful for what you have in life, you will never feel arrogant and entitled about it all.

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Floral Pattern

5. You can say a lot of grand things, and make huge claims but it is only when you take action that makes it all the more real.

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Floral Pattern

6. Gratitude fosters true forgiveness, which is when you can sincerely say, “thank you for that experience.”

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Floral Pattern

7. We meet no ordinary people in our lives; if you give them a chance, everyone has something important to teach you.

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Floral Pattern