How To Feel Less Lonely In Life: 11 Simple Ways


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Simple Ways To Feel Less Lonely In Life

Are you feeling lonely?
Do you feel lonely even when youโ€™re not alone?
Do you feel lost and empty?
Is there a gaping hole inside you?
Do you know the ways to feel less lonely in life?

Thereโ€™s no need to worry or get alarmed. Truth is you are not alone in feeling lonely. Loneliness is a Universal Problem and itโ€™s perfectly natural and normal to feel this way from time to time.

In this article, we will talk about Why We feel empty and lonely and the ways to feel less lonely in life.

Related: Why Am I So Lonely? What Is Loneliness And How Can We Cope With It

Why we experience loneliness

All humans are naturally designed with an emotional hole, a void that we try to fill all our lives but rarely succeed in.

Although you desperately try to fill this void with superficial things like buying a new car, the latest smartphone, new clothes, alcohol, smoking, and sex, you always wake up the next day with the same empty feeling. Nothing seems to work for long.

It doesnโ€™t matter if you are very successful or popular or loved by your family. Feelings of loneliness and emptiness can creep in at any time, crush all other positive feelings, leaving you feeling emotionally crippled, miserable, and lost.

Regardless of what you do in life, you are always stuck with this indescribable feeling that you are missing something in life.

But why?

Why do you feel so empty and lonely?

We often think having less or no friends makes us lonely, but it might not really be the case.

Loneliness comes from a lack of connection rather than a lack of friends.

Life is riddled with the brightest days and the darkest nights. And sometimes these dark nights seem to last longer than they should. Certain unfortunate events and experiences like losing a loved one, breakup, toxic relationships, unemployment, and financial losses can make you feel empty and lonely.

Related: Why Is Loneliness on the Rise? The Psychology Behind It

However, there can often be more profound reasons for why you feel loneliness and emptiness.

4 core reasons why you feel lonely and empty

If you are still wondering why you are so burdened with these difficult emotions, then here are some of the most basic reasons why you feel lonely –

1. You lack self-understanding.

When you donโ€™t have a clear idea of who you are or what makes you happy, you will feel a deep void inside of you.

2. You donโ€™t have close connections.

When your relationships lack intimacy you tend to feel more isolated and lonely.

3. You havenโ€™t made peace with your past.

There are certain unresolved emotions from your past that are still lingering in your present.

4. You lack a purpose in life.

When you are not passionate about achieving something you might feel lethargic and unmotivated all the time.

Whatever the reason may be for your loneliness, you can take some positive steps to deal with loneliness and emptiness.

Related: The 3 Factors to Overcome Loneliness According To Studies

11 ways to feel less lonely in life

Whether you are going through a breakup, alone in a new city, or just going through a rough patch, here’s what to do to feel less lonely and isolated. Here are 11 ways to not feel lonely no matter what you may be going through:

1. Acknowledge your emotions

One of the very basic ways to feel less lonely in life is to accept your true emotions. For most of us, accepting and embracing our true emotions can be difficult and scary. It is not something we are familiar with or taught to do well. Instead of denying your pain, tell yourself that things are not okay right now. But they can be.

An excellent way to deal with loneliness and process our emotions is to start Journaling. Writing down our thoughts and emotions on a piece of paper often helps us get more clarity and reach conclusions that might not have been realized otherwise.

2. Get comfortable with Yourself

Can you expect anyone to like you if you donโ€™t enjoy your own company? Unless you learn how to be alone with yourself, you will always struggle with feelings of emptiness and loneliness.

Accept yourself for who you are with all your imperfections and flaws. Embrace your uniqueness and love yourself unconditionally. When youโ€™re comfortable with yourself, you stop comparing yourself to others, and this in a way builds your self-esteem.

3. Make space for some โ€˜Me Timeโ€™ in your daily routine

One of the best ways to not feel lonely is to enjoy your own company. Spending time with others is fun. But when you allot a major chunk of your time to your job, housework, kids and family, you hardly find any time for yourself.

โ€˜Me timeโ€™ is perhaps the most essential part of your day and a crucial strategy in ways to feel less lonely in life. Spending time alone doing what you like, or maybe just having a cup of coffee by yourself, helps you introspect your day and brings clarity to your life. You feel less confused and donโ€™t look for diversions to occupy your mind.

Related: 7 Science-Backed Reasons Why Spending Time Alone Makes You More Successful

4. Keep Your Body Fit

A healthy body leads to a healthy mind. In our race to fill our minds with people, substances, activities, or things we end up neglecting our body and mind. Workouts not only transform your body but also boosts your self-esteem and builds self-confidence. You feel more confident in interacting with people, less stressed, and empty.

So a few ways to feel less lonely in life may include –

  • Being physically active by doing exercise, lifting weights, walking, running, gogging, doing Zumba, or any other physical activity you prefer. 
  • Drinking lots of water
  • Getting good sleep
  • Having a balanced diet
  • Doing Yoga or other relaxation exercises

Remember, when you take care of your body, your mindset transforms by eradicating all negative feelings.

Work on yourself and experience the joy of being your authentic self.

5. Be Open, say โ€˜Yesโ€™ to Opportunities

When we are trapped in the clutches of loneliness, we often refuse opportunities to socialize or spend time with our loved ones. So how to feel less lonely in life?

Force yourself to step out and meet the people who matter to you at least once a month. Visit your parents or meet up with your siblings, cousins, and friends. You can also plan and organize social activities on a weekly basis.

Connect with your loved ones in an honest and open way. It might be difficult initially depending on your dynamics with your friends and family, but communicating honestly and regularly with your near and dear ones can help strengthen and improve the quality of your relationships. This is undoubtedly one of the easiest ways to feel less lonely in life.

6. Do what you enjoy

Do you love cooking? Or do you love eating good food? Do you enjoy watching movies or reading books? Or do you enjoy lifting weights? Or perhaps gardening? All of us have something we enjoy doing. And one of the best ways to stop feeling lonely is to get rid of boredom by doing what you enjoy the most. It can be absolutely anything in the world, as long as it makes you feel better.

7. Create Something

One of the most enjoyable ways to feel less lonely in life is to get creative. You can choose to be creative and start working on a new project that youโ€™ve been planning for ages. You can choose to paint, illustrate, write fiction, try a new recipe, create music, sing, dance, do embroidery, create a LEGO masterpiece or whatever that allows you to express yourself and use your creative skills.

Related: 20 Things Highly Creative People Do Differently

8. Own a pet

Humans and animals share a unique connection. Dogs, cats, and other pets can make us feel loved and cared for. They can even help us cope with stress, anxiety, and depression. In fact, studies show that dogs make you feel less lonely. If you own a pet, then make sure to spend more time with them. In case you donโ€™t, you can always adopt one from your local animal shelter.

If you donโ€™t wish to take the responsibility of a pet just yet, you can volunteer at your nearby animal shelter or ask your friends and neighbors to walk their dogs.

9. Volunteer

If you are feeling empty and isolated, then volunteering can help you find a new purpose in life. By stepping out and connecting with others who are less fortunate, you will gain a new perspective in life.

It will help you gain a newfound respect for yourself, the people around you, and your community. You can offer your volunteering services at your local charities, childcare centers, nursing homes, and soup kitchens.

10. Practice gratitude

Make a list of everything that you are thankful for in life. It can be the smallest of things or your greatest achievements. Simply note down the things you are grateful for before going to bed and keep adding to your list every night.

This will help to remind you of all the good things in your life and get you into a positive mindset before you sleep. This is one of the most positive ways to feel less lonely in life.

11. Be mindful

Bring your awareness into the present moment. Give your full attention to what you’re doing at any given moment.

Whether youโ€™re creating a presentation or having your dinner, be aware of all the sensations, thoughts, and emotions surrounding that experience. Be intentional about how you live your life. When you live your life in auto-pilot mode or if you are always distracted, you will miss out on the best parts about life and end up feeling empty.

Mindfulness takes practice and patience. Practice mindfulness meditation for 10 minutes every day and be more present in your life. Soon you will realize that what you mistakenly believed to be loneliness, was solitude all along. Mindfulness will allow you to reflect on your thoughts and perceptions and realize how you are evolving every single day.

Related: How Mindfulness Can Improve Your Overall Mental Health

Loneliness is not a curse

All of us feel lonely at times. But it doesnโ€™t have to pull you down and make you feel lost and empty.

Being aware of your emotions, embracing them, accepting yourself unconditionally, and taking a few positive steps can help you overcome loneliness and reduce feelings of isolation and emptiness. Hope you find the beneficial ways to feel less lonely in life mentioned above helpful.

If you are battling loneliness, then feel free to share your story with us in the comments section.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

How do you make someone feel less lonely?

If a loved one is feeling lonely, encourage them to share their feelings, donโ€™t judge or invalidate their thoughts and emotions, ask how you can help and spend more time with them. Also encourage them to join a support group or an online community.

How does a lonely person behave?

A lonely person may feel isolated and empty. They may seem depressed, tend to be hostile and behave in ways that are unusual for their personality. They may seem pessimistic, reject offers to socialize and tend to self-isolate themselves.

How does loneliness affect behavior?

Loneliness can increase levels of stress and make someone lethargic, anxious, depressed and neurotic. They may become more introverted than usual and reduce levels of conscientiousness. It can also cause Alzheimer’s disease and cognitive decline in the long run.ย 

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