Top Reasons: How Parenting Makes You a Responsible Person


Top Reasons How Parenting Makes You a Responsible Person

Being a responsible parent is one of the most important jobs any person could ever take on.

No matter what age you are when you become a parent, raising a child matures you. It makes you want to be the best version of yourself possible in order to provide for and protect your little ones.

Responsible parents set a good example for their children. Children look to their parents as a guide for life. How parents behave when dealing with household, family, professional responsibilities, and financial management in marriage can have a direct effect on how a child views responsibility growing up.

Being responsible isn’t always easy, but it is always worth it.

Here are the 7 ways that being a parent teaches the value of being a responsible person.

1. Teaching by Example

The best parental advice parents can give is not by verbal assistance, but by watching their behavior.

Why? Because children are watching closely.

In her Michigan State University study, Kylie Rymanowicz says that children learn and imitate behaviors be observing and listening to those around them.

“This is sometimes called ‘observational learning,’” Rymanowicz says, “When children can learn things simply by observing others. The models do not have to be people that the child directly interacts with. Children learn from models all around them, on television, in the grocery store, at school, and at home”

After becoming parents, couples are responsible for teaching their children by their good examples.

Read Kids Activities at Home: Ways To Keep Kids Busy Without Much Screen Time

2. Financial Management in Marriage and Parenthood

According to a study by the United States Department of Agriculture, as of 2017, the cost of raising a child has jumped to a whopping $233,610. From diapers to college, that’s a lot of savings.

Research indicates that while millennials are more like to discuss their finances with their spouse, couples still find it difficult to talk about money.  In fact, according to an Acorns 2017 Money Matters Report, couples said they would rather admit how much they weigh than discuss how much money they make.

Learning how to discuss financial management in marriage is a big part of being responsible. It helps couples to devour debt, set a household budget, and take care of important family needs like food and clothing.

3. Giving the Right Parental Advice

As children grow and mature, they come to their parents with questions. They seek advice for problems they are having in school, with friends, and in romantic relationships.

It is up to parents to give their children the advice that will help resolve their problems in a responsible and mature way.

4. Learning to Discipline the Right Way

Learning to discipline your children properly is important. Responsible parents know that discipline is not about spankings, shouting, or punishments. It is about:

  • Teaching children how to behave appropriately at school, at home, with friends, and at social gatherings
  • Helping kids develop respect for those around them
  • Learning to understand and express their feelings
  • Choosing the right approach to discipline is where responsible parenting comes in.
  • Firm but fair punishments for poor behavior teaches children about consequences.

Discipline works best when parents have a loving relationship with their children. They should be able to communicate and have empathy for their kids.

Parents can start early by teaching their children some family ground rules. Such rules may include speaking kindly to others, taking care of their belongings, and helping out around the house.

Set clear limits that children can follow and praise them for their good behavior.

Read 10 Scientifically Proven Tips To Raise Happy Kids

5. Staying Connected in Marriage

Some of the best parental advice couples can follow is to put their marriage first.

Raising children is one of the most satisfying and rewarding things a couple can do together. However, couples should be careful not to let the romance slip out of their marriage during the hustle and bustle of parenting.

The stronger the marriage, the happier other aspects of life will be for couples.

Setting a weekly date night can help couples to strengthen their bond and improve family life.

Some benefits of date night include:

  • It improves communication skills
  • Prevents boredom
  • Spending time together reduces stress
  • Strengthens the family unit
  • Sharing hobbies and activities promote marital happiness
  • Being physically intimate predicts heightened emotional intimacy in couples
  • Physical affection strongly relates to partner satisfaction

Making the marriage a priority is not only beneficial for couples and children, but it is also the responsible thing to do.

6. Raising Good Kids

It is every parent’s dream to raise a kind, communicative, strong child. They can do this if they make responsible parenting choices, such as:

  • Making decisions, even if they are hard
  • Not shying away from answering awkward or uncomfortable questions
  • Keeping the lines of communication open
  • Teaching children the value of morals and kindness
  • Being an honest and trustworthy advisor to children
  • Setting a good example of responsibility
  • Being patient and forgiving
  • Giving children quality time and attention

Read Conscious Parenting: The Art Of Raising Happy Children

7. Cooking and Cleaning

Another way parenthood teaches couples to be responsible is by caring for household needs. Aside from dealing with budgeting and general financial management in marriage, parents must also ensure the house is clean and safe.

This means doing the dusting, vacuuming, picking up clutter, and disinfecting household items. It may also mean baby proofing corners and light sockets for a period of time.

Keeping the house neat and tidy provides children with the best possible living environment. It also teaches them to pick up after themselves.

Cooking is also a part of parental responsibility. Take-out is a nice, occasional treat for little ones, but parents show responsibility by cooking healthy, satisfying meals at home.

Raising a kind and loving child is any parent’s dream come true. But, being a parent is about more than raising a child.

It’s about becoming responsible, discussing financial management in marriage, and giving the best parental advice possible. Parenting makes you a happier, responsible person who is ready to take on anything.

Top Reasons How Parenting Makes You a Responsible Person
Top Reasons: How Parenting Makes You a Responsible Person

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