To The Person Who Feels They’re At Their Breaking Point


To Person Who Feels They’re At Breaking Point

I know there are days where you feel you’re at your breaking point. Days where you wonder where any bit of strength can even come from because you’re exhausted. Days where you want to cry but you know you shouldn’t or you think you don’t even have a reason to.

So you keep it together. You smile and carry on like everything inside you isn’t breaking. You help others without ever even thinking to ask for help yourself. You don’t want to seem weak. You don’t want to seem like a burden or negative. So you keep smiling and taking baby steps forward but all you want to you is fall to your knees and scream.

It seems like every day is something new or every day is just hard. You wake up and you just want to lay there. There are things you need to do but you just turn over.

You want to look forward but you’re losing faith in what’s ahead because you are uncertain.

I don’t know what it is you’re going through exactly. Maybe it’s a breakup. Maybe it’s work or school or a million things on your plate you seem to be drowning in. Maybe every time it seems something is about to go your way or you’re going to get a breather another thing knocks the wind out of you.

I know you’re tired. And not just physically but emotionally drained because of everything people demand of you.

People demand a lot of you and you never let anyone down. You never disappoint them. You bust your ass to appease people who don’t even say thank you. That takes strength.

I want to say thank you on behalf of those who don’t. I want to show my appreciation for those who don’t see what you’re going through. You make it look easy and that’s why people don’t realize what you’re going through.

Related: 10 Uncomfortable Signs You’re Becoming The Person You’re Meant To Be

But I see it. Your tired eyes wonder if there’s more than what you’re getting right now.

I’m going to start with I’m proud of you for how strong you are. Strength like yours comes in silent battles, people don’t know you fight. It comes in tears you either repress or no one knows you cry. It’s in nights where you lie awake wondering is there more?

Curiosity is good.

That unfulfilling feeling is good. It is there to show you, you aren’t in the right place anymore. Being uncomfortable is good. That means you are growing.

Maybe where you are right now, you’ve excelled as much as you can and there’s no place higher you can go. You should be proud of yourself for that.

But I need you to keep going. Keep trying. Keep working. Don’t lose faith. Because it’s in those moments where you want to get up, and walk away, and quit, comes something rewarding. There is something on the other side of this confusion and heartbreak and sadness.

You just have to get there first.

Just know you aren’t alone. I’m with you.

Remember your whole life is going to be okay.

Written By Kirsten Corley
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To The One Who Feels They’re At Their Breaking Point
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